Lucas Baker

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Game or Movie: Resident Evil 7

(Y/n)'s Pov

It's not everyday when an old man knocks you out and says 'Welcome to the Family'. But, that's what happened to me. I was trying to locate my brother Clancy and his co workers when the creepiest old man approached me. Now, here I am, strapped to a chair next to my brother and a guy named Hoffman. I was relieved to see my brother but I was horrified as I watched his fingers getting cut off with each round he lost on 21.

"I'm going to get us out of here. I promise (Y/n)."

I nodded at my brother as a tear made its way down my cheek, another one of his fingers getting cut off.

"Come on Clancy my man. You can do better than that." The voice through the speaker said.

Another round passed, and another one of Clancy's finger got cut off. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Stop! I'll take his place! Just leave my brother alone."

"(Y/n) no-"

"What's that little miss? I can arrange that."

The lights went out and the door swung open. My chair was switched with his and then the man set my hand up on his machine.

I took a deep breath in as the guy left, the room filling with light again.

"Well this is an interesting turn of events. We now have (Y/n) against Hoffman! Good luck little miss."

A card was tossed out to me and it was an 11.

"Hit me." I said, a 5 coming out of the deck. And then a 4 and a 1. I smirked to myself. "I'll stay."

That went on for about ten minutes of me winning. But, I started to panic on this round. I was over 21 by 6.

"And the winner is... Hoffman! Ah little miss, you were doing so well there."

The room went silent until Clancy started to yell out. Telling him not to cut my finger off. I felt more tears running down my face.

"Hmmm." The voice said. "I can't let your finger get chopped off. What to do, what to do...Ahh! I know!"

Once again, the lights turned off and the man entered. He switched me and Clancy again. But, this time he took off my restraints and pulled me into the other room with him. He sat me down in the chair and put a pair of handcuffs on me.

"Well Clancy, since you and I don't want her finger gone you'll take her place."

I once again watched my brothers fingers getting chopped off, causing the guy to laugh.

I sniffed back a tear and glared at him. "Why are you doing this? And who the hell are you?"

He turned around in his chair and looked at me. "It's entertaining and you can call me Lucas sweetheart."

I glanced at the screen and held back another tear. "Will you actually let the winner go?"

Lucas smirked. "Perhaps doll, but you? Hmmm. No. You're all mine sweet heart."


It's been one week since that day. One week since I last saw my brother alive and breathing. One week since I've been held captive by my so called 'boyfriend'. That's what he's been calling himself.

"Hey babe, I'm back. I know ya don't want to eat my ma's cooking and I can understand that. So, I brought ya this to eat before dinner."

I nodded and gave him a small smile. "Thanks..again."

He nodded and walked over to me, kissing me on the cheek and placing the apple and crackers on my lap.

I took a cracker and started to nibble on it, looking down at the ground.

"Ah come on sweetheart, don't be shy."

"Maybe if you didn't kill my brother after he won or kidnapped us, I would be less shy and nice." I snapped at him.

He walked up to me and grabbed my face. Lifting it up so he could look into my eyes. "Listen here little miss, if I didn't take ya from my father you could be dead right now. I could of let ya loose all of your fingers but I didn't. You should be thankful." He gave me a smile and pressed his lips against mine. "You better get used to me. You're with me forever."

End of Oneshot

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