Karl Heisenberg

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Game/Movie: Resident Evil 8
Requested by: No_body0011

(Y/n) was the younger and shorter sister of the one and only Lady Dimitrescu. The two always got a long until Mother Miranda showed interest into Alcina but no interest into (Y/n). To say the least, this put a strain on the sisters relationship. Alcina would do whatever it took to please Miranda, even turning and having hatred for her sister. No one knew why Miranda despised (Y/n), one person did have a theory though. But he kept that to himself.

Alcina and her daughters attempted to murder (Y/n) when she lived at the castle. But, somehow, she was able to escape. Not knowing at the time, Heisenberg helped her escape the gruesome death Alcina had planned.

You wandered the village, wondering where you could go to escape being killed. You tried to leave the village but each time you tried, the lycans stopped you under Miranda's orders. You knew Moreau, Donna Beneviento and of course your sister were all off limits. Due to the fact that they all wanted to please Mother Miranda. So, that left one person. Lord Heisenberg.

You knew your sister hated him and wouldn't expect you to seek refuge there. You also could tell that he wasn't a fan of Miranda. With that in mind, you dodged the lycans attacks and managed to escape them, making your way to the factory.

(Y/n)'s Pov

As I approached the factory I couldn't help but get a bad feeling. What if he was like the rest? Trying to kill me to please Miranda.

I sighed and opened the doors, taking a step in. This was my first time coming to the factory. Alcina never allowed me to come near it or have any interactions with Heisenberg at all. And when I did, she would lash out. Going off about how men are pointless and useless in this world. I never understood why she thought that.

"Heisenberg?" I called out. "It's (Y/n) Dimitrescu." I softly spoke out.

No reply. I sighed and ventured further into the factory. Not really knowing what to expect. Maybe this was a mistake? I pushed that thought back and stared down the hallway.

"Maybe you're not here."

As I was on my way out of the factory to avoid getting lost, a voice stopped me. "And what do I have a pleasure of having Ms.Dimitrescu in my factory?"

My head snapped to the side, causing me to take a step back. Not expecting to see him there. "I need a place to stay and I was hoping you'd let me stay here with you."

Heisenberg stared me down, slinging his hammer onto his shoulder. "Did Alcina kick you out?"

I gave him a slight nod. "I guess you could say that. You obviously know that Miranda doesn't like me for some reason. Meaning Alcina doesn't either." I looked down at the ground before looking at him again. "The others aren't an option as you may know why. Miranda won't let me leave the village. And the village itself isn't safe. Since I managed to escape the castle, every where I go either one of the lords or lycans are trying to kill me. The towns folk keep their distance due to the rumors about my sister and her daughters."

I gave him a pleading look. "And I know my sister won't look for me here. I was hoping you would let me stay here without handing me over to Alcina, or worse, Miranda."

Heisenberg thought about it until a grin formed on his face. "Why not? That tall bitch never lets me talk to you much and you intrigue me. As long as you stay in this factory or are by my side, you have my protection Ms.Dimitrescu."


It's been a few weeks since I first stepped foot into this castle. And with my luck, no one knew that I was staying with Heisenberg. But I had a feeling that soon, everybody will know. Will he keep true to his word? Having his protection.

Alcina talked nothing but badly about him. But, I can't see why. Since I've been here, he's been nothing but nice and considerate. Yes, he may have a short temper some times but it's usually directed at the Soldats. As we grew closer, I couldn't help but feel happy and safe in this factory and being around him. Even with some of his creations malfunctioning and trying to kill me, I still felt safer and content living here. I even believe I started having feelings for the man my sister hated so much. But I wasn't certain as I've never felt this way before. She never let me talk to anyone in the village, let a lone a man other than Karl. And she didn't even allow that

"(Y/n), we need to talk."

That voice, I couldn't help but let a smile form on my face. I looked up from my book and stared at Heisenberg.

"Yes, what is it?"

A sigh left his lips as he took off his sunglasses, leaning against the door frame. Cigar between his lips.

"Your bitch of a sister some how managed to figure out that you're staying with me. We need to tell Miranda before Alcina gets to her first."

I slowly nodded and placed my book on my bed, terror filling my body. "I-i can't. They'll kill me and if y-you try to stop them, they'll know you don't worship Miranda like the others... I can't let you do that just f-for someone like me."

Karl made his way towards me and sat down next to me. "You don't need to be afraid dear." He placed his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze, staring into my eyes. "Like I said, as long as you're by my side, you have my protection."


Heisenberg and I made our way towards where Miranda and the others were. I stood slightly behind him, watching as his hammer bounced up and down on his shoulder as we walked. His cigar burning away. I couldn't tell how he felt. It almost looked as if he was nervous.

Unfortunately my sister made it to her before we could. As we approached them, I couldn't stop myself from grabbing onto his free hand, holding it as if my life depended on it. He gave my hand a slight squeeze of reassurance before holding my hand with a more firmer grip as we came to a stop. Lacing our fingers together.

"Ah, Mother Miranda! How are you today?"

"I see you brought me a present. You know we all have been looking everywhere for her. And here she is, holding your hand like a scared little dear."

"You are mistaken Mother Miranda. (Y/n) is here with me but not as a gift for you. We came here so I could talk to you before it was too late." Heisenberg spoke out, giving you a glance. "You see, she came to me for a place to stay and I gladly welcomed a woman like her into my home. I understand you want her killed and I know why."

Miranda just looked at him, causing the other lords to as well. I shot him a puzzled glance before staring back off to the side.

"You shouldn't be afraid of (Y/n). As long as she is by my side, I shall see to it that her ability will not grow enough to be able to destroy you like you fear."

My ability? I thought, giving him a weird look.

As Miranda was thinking over what he said, Angie was flying around the room, being an annoying doll as usual. Moreau not to far from her also being annoying.

"Let's kill her! Let's kill her!" Angie sang out.

"P-protect...Mother..K-kill." The fish created let out.

Heisenberg shot then a glare. "Both of you, shut the fuck up!" He looked back at Miranda. "I will even create a chip to make sure she won't grow that strong. Just think, this beautiful, small, innocent lady will be one of your most powerful ally."

I blushed hearing him call me beautiful. And then my blush became even more darkened as I realized we were still holding hands.

"Why are you so obsessed on keeping my sister alive, you filthy mongrel? What happened to only caring about yourself?"

I glanced at Alcina. Feeling hurt, betrayed but also relieved due to the fact that living with Karl has been so much better than at the castle. But, I also wondered the same thing. Why does he care so much about me? Why all of a sudden is he caring about someone other than himself for once?

"Because she is valuable and as long as she is alive." He looked down at me.

"She is mine."

End of Oneshot

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