1 - Yummy Popcorn

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(everything bold is me enjoy) Also sorry for the switching between POVs

You see I did not want to  spend my weekend on a death quest, I had plans. Okay maybe I just wanted to binge all of the Harry Potter movies but still, thats important stuff.

Okay let me back up.

So it started on a normal Thursday, there was a three day weekend for teacher prep day, so naturally I made plans with the potatoes to watch movies, well maybe they didnt know exactly what we were gonna do . . .

Brynne thinks we are watching the food network.

Nikita and Sheela think we are watching "Pocahontas" (idk they love that movie)

Mini thinks that we are going to play games.

Rudy has no idea what a movie is so he is coming to check out the television.

And Aiden . . . I have no idea what he thinks, Mini invited him cause I did not want to. Why, no reason.

**Time skip to Thursday afterschool**

I was preparing the room for the movie marathon. I had the couches arranged nicely, and pillows, and popcorn, and candy and the movies ready to go. The doorbell rand announcing the first guest arriving. I went to open the door. It was-

"Hey Shah." He was toying with the strap of Shadowfax. 

"Um hey Wifey. Do you um wanna come in." Why oh why did it have to be him first gods.

"Better then standing here I guess."

Switch to 3rd person

Aru let Aiden in, her heart pounding. She felt a sense of dread, but also  ... something else, she couldnt pinpoint it. She ignored the feeling, pinching herself to bring her back to the present.

"So what are we doing, Mini said we were going to be playing some games."

"Well you see, I have a Harry Potter movie marathon, but I kinda told everyone else we were doing something else. Because nobody wants to watch the movies again."

"Well yeah, we watched them a couple months ago."

"But a couple months without Harry potter is LONG ENOUGH."

"You are bizaare Shah." Aiden shook his head smiling.

"Well you see Wifey, I would be utterly boring if I was normal."

Aru became intensely aware of how close they were standing. At that moment, the doorbell rang again, saving them from an ocean of awkwardness. Aru went to get the door, and there stood the rest of the potatoes, together for some reason.

"Hey guys, what are you all doing together?" Aru was a little suspicious.

"Lucky coincidence?" Mini guessed.

Aru let them in, still convinced something was up. 

"Okay so what is this otherworldly device called a telly veeson" Rudy asked exitedly.

Aru showed Rudy the TV and he was utterly fascinated. 

"Well, we are . . . WATCHING HARRY POTTER." Aru was very happy. At that moment the whole room erupted.

"No. . ."



"Okay okay calm down." Surprisingly it was Aiden that spoke, "Lets do a compromise, instead of watching the whole harry potter series, we can watch one, and then watch something else."

"Fine." Brynne grumbled, shooting Aiden a look.

"Yay!" (That was Aru)

So the night started with the fifth Harry Potter movie. All was going well until they ran out of popcorn. Brynne understandably said, 

"Someone get more popcorn."

"I'll do it." Aru and Aiden said at the same time. 

Nikita smiled mischievously, "Why don't you both go, it will be faster that way"

"I dont think it works that wa-" Mini stopped, realizing what Nikki was on to. 

So the two went into the kitchen, and Aru went to get the popcorn. 

"So do you just like microwave it?"

"Yes wifey, that is how popcorn works." Aru rolled her eyes.

"I am aware of that Shah, just sometimes people like to do it in pans, with hand seasoning and stuff."

"Do I look like the type of girl who is going to miss Umbridge going crazy for popcorn in a pan?" 

Aiden laughed. This felt normal, just the two of them, talking, insulting each other. But there was an underlying sense, of something that was different. At that moment there was a large bang in the living room. Both the kids rushed out there.

All of the others were gone. Not like ran out, just gone. The two looked around in horror, but quickly regained their sense, from all their quests. They needed a clue. 

On the table there was a white sheet of paper, folded into a paper airplane. 

Aru went and unfolded it. 

To rescue your friends you must find, 
The place thats been untouched by time

Enter the primordial beast,
Travel onwards to the East

Close you eyes to find me
I will give you the answers you seek

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