5 - Aru Shah is an Olive (But not really)

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(This will be a short one, but I wanted to do this just cause.)

Aru's Dream:

Aru was suffocating, the sleeper had her tied in the black ribbons of death. She could sense that her end was approaching.

"Aru, Aru, Aru, What have you done?"

Suddenly the dream shifted, she was back at the Halloween Dance.

Does this tent induce nightmares? Aru thought subconsciously.

But something was different about the dance. Aru was enjoying herself.

She had her arms around Aiden, and he had his hands on her waist. They were dancing, slow dancing, in front of everyone. The song slowed even more. Their faces moved closer and closer until there was barely an inch between them. Before they could get any closer the dream shifted.

Aru was in the scene the sleeper had showed her. She was standing on one side, Vajra in her hand, while all her sisters and the boys stood opposite her, weapons drawn. And the weapons were pointed at her. Usually the dream did not go farther than this, but this time it began to play, like a very immersive movie.

The sleeper stood next to Aru, and they looked at each other. Simultaneously, the pair yelled "CHARGE." And all hell broke loose. The Potatoes charged at Aru, and she dodged and struck back with Vajra.

Before she had a chance to see anyone get hurt, the dream shifted again. Now she was dressed as a giant olive, and she was in the Home Depot. This was a good dream. She walked through the aisles, feeling at home. There, she saw Nikita and Sheela. 

"Aru!" The twins yelled, pulling her into a hug.

"We thought something happened to you when you weren't taken with us!"

"Are you guys okay?" Asked Aru, deeply concerned. 

"We are totally fine," Said Nikita, "The same canNOT be said for your outfit though."

Aru looked down at her olive costume. Nikita spread out her hands, and Aru's outfit changed. 

She was wearing black leggings, and a silver crop top that said 'I am not clumsy, the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the wall gets in the way' Annoyingly accurate. Her hair was pulled back  into a half braid thing. 

"Not bad" Said Nikita, "Not the best either."

"Can we stop going on about my outfit."


"When are you getting here?" Sheela asked, bobbing around, "Its nice here, but I don't wanna be here forever."

"What do you mean, its nice?" Aru asked, looking confused.

The small clairvoyant smiled, "We are being kept in a lounge, not the most unpleasant place, but we do want to get out."

"We should send you back, it's almost morning." 

With that Aru woke up, feeling well rested, but unsettled.

Aiden's Dream: 

Aiden's mom was yelling at him.

"Maybe if I hadn't had you, he would still love me. We would still be together."

This was his frequent nightmare, about his parents.

It continued on for a few minutes as it usually did, but instead of ending there, it continued, but this time the potatoes were mad at him.

"Maybe we would have succeeded."

"Maybe the sleeper wouldn't still be here."

"All your fault."

"All your fault."

Aiden thrashed, trying to escape the nightmare, but to no avail. Suddenly, when it became too much to bear, the dream melted. 

Aiden saw a scene he would not have dreamed possible. Aru was on the sleepers side, Vajra drawn, and all the other  potatoes were standing opposite her their weapons drawn as well. 

The sleeper and Aru yelled, "Charge" and all hell broke loose. The potatoes charged against Aru, slashing and jabbing with their weapons, she blocked with Vajra hitting back. Aiden could not bear to watch this sight, he knew that this could never happen, it was only a dream. Aiden looked out over the battle, and thought that he saw a figure in the distance, that looked like Aru, in the clothes that she had worn to sleep?

He moved to try to get a closer look, but the figure disappeared. 

With that Aiden woke up. With an odd sense of 'I'm not sure what to make of this'

(Kay thats all, next chap will be better - promise)

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