4 - Why Oh Why Butterflies

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"Shah, I think we have to," Aiden gulped, "slow dance."

Arus brain was moving at lightning speed (Get it lol) and she was not sure whether she should feel super excited, nervous, or dreadful. She settled for nervous. VERY nervous. Aru had not told anyone but she may have a teensy little crush on Aiden. (Teensy lol, and cmon Aru everyone knows)

Little did she know, Aiden was thinking the exact same thing.

"Um, I don't know how to slow dance . . ." Aru said, looking anywhere but at Aiden.

"My mom made me learn. I can show you."

The teens nervously made their way towards the center of the dance floor. Aiden took Arus hand and put it on his shoulder. He moved his hand to her waist. They joined their other hands, and Aru allowed Aiden to guide her across the floor. They locked eyes and did not seem to be able to look away from each other.

As Aru looked into Aidens eyes and moved around the floor, the whole world seemed to melt away, leaving only the two of them, and nothing else. A meteoroid could have hit and wiped out everything and Aru wouldn't have cared.

After what seemed like and eternity, but also not long enough, the music stopped. As they looked around, Aru saw that they were no longer in the ballroom. They had been transported to a forest. 

"That was-" Aru began to say, she wanted to talk or say something about the dance, but Aiden cut her off.

"Fine. Now where do we need to go?" It pained Aiden to say this, but talking about the dance would reveal his feelings for Aru surely, and that would ruin their friendship, because there was no way she would ever like him back. (YOU STUPID)

Aru pushed down the knot of hurt in her chest, which was growing larger by the day. 

"We have to go that way." Aru pointed forwards. They had taken less than 10 steps when the two were attacked by a swarm of Butterflies?

Aru screamed. She had a long lasting fear of butterflies. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE BUTTERFLIES? 

Aiden grabbed Shadowfax and began clicking photos, he would take the butterflies on his fingers and take pics while Aru tried to avoid the winged beasts.

After a few moments the butterflies left, because it was just a group of well, butterflies. Aiden went to find Aru hiding in a corner.

"Um, Shah why are you hiding behind a tree?"

"Umm. No reason. I like trees. You know, they are very, um nice."

Aru went red, got up, and dusted herself off. 

"Shah are you scared of butterflies."

"No of course not. Maybe a little. Yes."

Aiden laughed, then stopped at the look on Aru's face.

"Wait you're serious. The great Aru Shah is scared of Butterflies."

"Shut it wifey. They're like so creepy, with their spindly legs and long curly tongue" Aru shuddered.

Aiden smirked, but refrained from saying anything.

They walked on in a comfortable silence, until they found a nice clearing in the woods. There was a blue waterfall, and grassy areas around it. The sun was starting to set, so this was where they made camp for the night.

"Shah, where are we going to sleep?" Aiden inquired, looking around at the clearing.

Aru grinned, "Here." She said, tossing the silver square on the ground. The tent sprang up, it was large enough for at least 5 people.

"Whoa. Did you maybe um forget to mention you had a magic tent. THERES FOOD AND CLOTHES INSIDE WHOA." Aiden was going crazy, looking around in the tent. Aru tried to keep her smug expression, but was also in awe at the tent. 

"Hey, Whats this?" Aiden had noticed something.

'Property of Lieutenant Zoe Nightshade'

"It must be the previous owner of this tent." Aru said, reading the label.

"I wonder why she gave it up."

(If you know/remember her then just know that I am pretty much crying as I write this)

With that, the two made their way to the buffet table.

They heaped plates with food, and made small talk while they ate, but ate mostly in silence, as both were hungry.

"This tent is awesome and stuff, but I wish there would be something junk foody."

"Shah, it is a quest tent, you are supposed to be healthy for quests."


"Well I guess we should go to sleep, start questing again bright and early tomorrow."

"Ugh, its technically the weekend, I wanna sleep in."

"Shah, come on." With an exasperated sigh, Aiden climbed into one and Aru did so the other. The lights went out, and the pair drifted into a sleep. Of course, there were dreams.

(Ik its short, but the next one will be longer. I promise. I didnt have time, and I wanted to get the chapter out by today. Next chapter will be abt their dreams. teeeheee ;) xxPurpleKiwi)

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