2 - In which Aru goes to sleep

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To rescue your friends you must find,
The place thats been untouched by time

Enter the primordial beast,
Travel onwards to the East

Close you eyes to find me
I will give you the answers you seek

"Its a riddle," Aru exclaimed, "We need to solve it to find the others."

"Okay so the first lines say we need to find a place untouched by time. Hey Aru, wouldnt that be here, in the museum, because everything here is from the past."

The walked in the direction of the exhibit of the gods,

"So the next part says to enter a primordial beast. Aru any ideas"

"Oooh I know, Greg."

"You mean the elephant with the portals - Ohhhh yeah that makes sense."

Aru opened Greg's mouth to find that the portal was yellow, rather that the usual blue color.

"Thats odd."

"Well we don't have time to debate portal colors, come on Wifey, our friends need saving."

Aiden had no choice but to follow Aru through the elephant. When the left the portal they were at their usual pandava training area, but it was deserted.

"Wait - the next line says to close our eyes, does that mean the next part of the riddle is telling us to sleep, to dream?"

"Maybe you, but you know I do not get the dream visions like you guys. I will stay here and keep watch."

"Fine, but I still think you should try to sleep."

"Go to sleep Shah."

"Hmph, I needed a nap anyway."

Aiden rolled his eyes, and sat down on the ground. Aru layed (is that even a word) down on the ground, and dozed off.

*In Aru's Dream*

Aru awoke in the same place she was in, just Aiden was gone. She knew this was a dream yet she could not help searching for him.

"Do not seek your friend, he is not with you in this dream."

"Hanuman what are you doing here. Are you supposed to tell me what to do next."

"So the gods are weak right now, we can only communicate through dreams. There is a monster called the Drakova that is draining our powers, and it wishes to devour the souls of the pandava. I can only guess why it did not take you."


"What was that?"

"Nothing, so let me guess, you need me to go and defeat this beast that wants to kill us all.

"Yep. So pretty much you and your boyfriend have to-"

"He's NOT my boyfriend."

"Whatever you say Aru, whatever you say.
Pretty much you two have to go on a journey, and rescue your friends. They are not in immediate danger, which is good, as the journey will take multiple days."

"Multiple DAYS?! So like what about food, and sleeping, and-"

"Do not worry young pandava." The god handed Aru a small square, that she could fit in her pocket.

"What do I do with this?"

Hanuman threw the square on the ground and it expanded into a large tent with supplies and food and everything. He then pinched it from the top to shrink it again.

Aru looked in awe, "Cooool."

"Yes. Very cool. You will need this. You will have to go through many trials, it will not be easy."

"When has it EVER been easy."

"That is true. One more thing, you only have one week before you know, the soul devouring ceremony will take place."

"But how will I know where to go?" Aru was puzzled.

"I cannot tell you here, if the information is overheard we could have a problem on our hands. I will subconsciously guide you. You will know where to go. Well Aru shah, I wish you well on your quest."

And the dream ended.

**What happens while Aru is sleeping** (I just wanted to)

Aiden looked at Aru as she fell asleep, she looked so peaceful. He wanted to be able to keep her like that. That sounded weird.

He wanted her to not have to worry about all of this. He wanted her, and the rest of the potatoes to have a normal childhood. That was not possible though.
Aiden gripped Shadowfax, looking around. The place was absolutely deserted. He took a picture of Aru, sleeping peacefully.

"I love you Shah." Why couldnt he say it to her face?! (Cause he chickenn)

A moment later Aru began to stir, and she woke up from the dream.

"Okay so what happened, did you see anything?" Aiden asked eagerly.

"So the others have been taken captive, and we have to go rescue them. Hanuman gave me a thingy for food and sleeping, because it will take a few days, and we have to go save them before some soul devouring."


"Yes keep up, also the gods have been weakened by the Drakova, thats the monster, and we will only get some subconscious help from them."

"Aru could you repeat that, you know at a pace humans can understand."

Aru explained the whole thing again. This time slowly, at a more understandable pace. 

"Wait so we have to go and like battle a monster, but we dont know where it is, and save our friends but we dont know where they are."

"Yep," Aru quipped, "Time to go on another death quest. Yippee."

At that moment a portal materialized near them, this one, like the previous was also yellow. 

"Hanuman is sending help. Lets go before the world falls apart"

With that aru jumped into the portal. Aiden sighed and followed behind.

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