Molly's Secret Part 4

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Chapter 60

After that conversation, I completely lost consciousness and woke up in my bedroom in the Perelman mansion. I was expecting to wake up with Mrs. Perelman's face or Hazel's to see, but none of them is here, because now I am alone in the room and only the tiktac of the clock can be heard around me.

I sighed and then, there, I decided to get up. But that's when I noticed a wet towel on my head. My breathing was also weird, and it was a bit chilly, which made me feel bad. That's when I realized something. It looks like I had a fever.

I sighed again.

I planned to get up first to go out, but that plan of mine stopped when I saw Saint standing at the foot of the bed and just watching me there. When our eyes locked, I couldn't help but hold my breath. The last thing I remember is his crying face. Now, he is back to normal; his face has no expression again. It was so cold that it didn't seem to be able to put out the blazing fire. That's how he used to be, something you can only see in Saint Archangel.

"Why are you here?" I expected him to answer, but at that point, someone else answered my question.

"Why? Don't you want me here? " I turned quickly to the bedroom door when I heard Hazel's voice. She was there holding a tray with milk and food. When I turned to Saint again, he was no longer there, as if the wind had blown him away. "Are you mad at me like Mom?" I turned to Hazel again with that question.

I stared at her for a while and then laughed a little before choosing to get up. "You're thinking wrong." That’s all I was able to tell her as a consolation. I have never been accustomed to advising others.

I got the tray she was carrying and I laid it on the side table. When I turned to Hazel, she walked over to my bed and sat there, so I went back to the bed and sat there too, so we could talk like she intended.

"You're fine and well, but I heard you fainted in our old house. Fortunately, driver Arjo saw you, and he brought you home. What happened? "

"I'm fine, sis, just tired." She nodded, as if believing.

"Good then."

"You look tired. Take a break first, "I told her, but she smiled sadly.

"I don't think I can rest in this state and situation for our family. I miss my Dad, Hailey. " At that point, the sadness returned. The pain and grief returned.

"I miss him too, Hazel."

Our conversation turned to silence until that silence turned to laughter as we looked at each other. It doesn’t look good for us to be sad.

"Damn bitch! It's not your thing to be sad. "

"Same to you, Hazel."

After that conversation, we talked, laughed, and teased. Then back to serious talk again, like a person who has lost their heads.

"Listen, if I die young, Hailey. Please, don't leave Mom, okay? " I was stunned by what she said. "Oops! You're wrong; I won't take my own life. I just said it as a prompt goodbye. I don't want to repeat what happened to Dad. It was so sudden. " I understood what she wanted to say, and that’s also what I wanted.

"Same here, Hazel, if I die someday earlier than any of you. Take care of yourselves. " That farewell turned into laughter again until Hazel bid goodbye and went back to her room.

When I was alone, I couldn't help but think of what I had heard from Saint a while ago. Now, it is all clear to me. His reasons were clear to me. It was clear to me what had happened then. But every time I think about it, I always feel like crying. I never thought that after a month I would cry again because of him. However, behind that, I miss him too. I want to hold him, hug him, and kiss him again. After a month, I still really love that grim reaper. I still love him dearly.

"I love you too." I was stunned when someone spoke. By just hearing his voice, I knew it was Saint. I could not be wrong. How fast I looked at him a while ago is how slow I look now. It's not like a while ago that he was just standing, because now he's seated next to me. Something that didn't surprise me but made me nervous.

"C-Can you hear my thoughts again? How? " I suddenly asked, yet when I looked back, he was too close.

God! His sinful lips are near my ear and he almost hugged me at our position right now. I breathed deeply when Saint rested his head slightly on my shoulder while blowing a few strands of my hair.

"I don't know. Maybe because I already told you my secret. "

"Amm, okay, that makes sense, though." There, I swallowed. I’m actually ashamed of him. I was ashamed of the fact that I believed Lucifer more than him. I didn’t even ask and preferred to leave him and hide how I felt toward him when I found out about my mother’s death. He believed in me, but I never returned his faith. I think that's unfair. I am unfair, but I lost my mother, and no one will take the pain of that.

"I miss you." Then he started kissing my cheek all the way down to my neck and shoulders. It tickled, but I let him. In that way, I wanted him to know I missed him too. But I still can’t help but be saddened by the fact that, in a super fair world, it seems to be becoming unfair. Is it really impossible to oppose the death of a person? Does one really have to sacrifice to survive? The fact that I was the reason my mother died was something that weighed heavily on my chest. 

"Don't be sad because even if that happened, your mother didn't blame you for the fact that she believed she did the right thing. That's the cause of what's happening in your life now. But you know what, people have a choice. Of course, it is destined to happen, but it is still up to you as a human to decide whether to follow what is destined to happen or step to the left side. This is why a human can think. They have emotions that can influence their decisions. Because God loves humans so much, he has given them the ability to decide for their life on earth more than any other creature he has created. " There I sighed. Saint is right. A fair law has been laid down for us. A law that everyone obeys is the law of destiny and decision.

"I feel so drained. I want to sleep like a human. " I was stunned by what he said, so I turned to him again. However, unexpectedly, our lips met. We were both surprised there, so we immediately looked away. "I'm sorry, I was about to kiss your cheek but—" when I laughed, he didn't finish what he was about to say. For the first time after Mr. Perelman’s death, I laughed, a laugh that was normal and happy. "Hey! Why are you laughing? "There his voice rose.

"You're funny!" I explained. After that, I laughed again, but my laughter ended when his lips touched mine. And there, we shared a kiss as he slowly laid me down on the bed.

"Molly, do you know why I'm angry?" Molly's aunt asked. Molly couldn't answer and just cried. "Auntie is angry, not because you broke the plate, but because you lied and hid it from me, Molly. I didn't raise you like that, my daughter."

Molly’s Secret teaches its readers not to keep secrets and to be honest people. However, for me, the most moral lesson is that there is no secret that cannot be revealed. Everything will be revealed. It seems like a stinky fish hidden in the cabinet that whatever you cover will stink. That's why it's better to be honest and say it right away so that the situation doesn't get too complicated and everyone ends up in a fight.

I M _ V E N A

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