Chapter 17

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We’re all sat in the boy’s dressing room after the concert finishes chilling out and messing around.

-“That concert was amazing” Jenna says.

- “Thanks” Jordan and Harley say.

-“You were really good,” I whisper.

-“Thanks Charlie,” Jordan says.

He puts his arm around my shoulder as we’re sat on the sofa. Ed is playing is guitar and Harley is singing along and messing around making up lyrics as he goes. I rest my head on Jordan’s shoulder.

-“Ed, this is Charlie,” Jordan says. Ed looks up.

“Hello,” Ed says. I blush a deep shade of pink.

“And that’s Jenna… oh, okay!” Jordan says. I look over at Jenna. She is practically sat on Harley’s lap and they are flirting like mad. Ed and I laugh. Jenna and Harley jump apart. Jenna is blushing and so is Harley. I look at her and raise my eyebrows at her and she smiles.

Jordan gets up and takes my outside the dressing room. We’re walking along the endless corridors chatting when out of the blue Jordan says:

-“Look, Charlie I know we’ve had a busy night already but do you want to go out for a meal?” -“Yeah, sure,” I say beaming.

Jenna and Harley have gone back to hers to ‘watch a movie’.

-“Where are we going?” I ask Jordan.

-“Oh, just wait, I know you’ll love it,” Jordan says. Jordan and I walk to a restaurant just a few streets away from the arena. “Are you sure you know where we are going?” I ask.

-“Trust me,” He says.

-“You know what I said last time you said that,” I say.

“And what was it?” Jordan jokes.

“Never trust Jordan Stephens,” I laugh. Jordan looks at me and smiles.

It was so romantic, just the two of us sat in the window booth, talking and people watching. We order a pizza to share. We talk about when we were younger, all of us playing together at the park and in the garden. All the party’s we went to. I tell him about myself and we talk about the band and what their plans for the future are.

“You know, Charlie, I’ve always liked you. Harley told me to back off when we were like fourteen because he said it might hurt me or you if something did happen,” Jordan says.

“Really, I’ve always liked you too. But as soon as we started secondary school we hardly ever spoke. Only Jenna knows this but it really hurt me when you moved away,” I say quietly. I look up and Jordan is looking at me, almost studying me.

“I really like you Charlie, we just get on so well,” Jordan says picking up a slice of pizza.

-“So, what has Harley said about Jenna? She’s pretty smitten with him” I ask.

- “Hey, tonight isn’t about Jenna, it’s about you.” Jordan says.

This makes me blush so I look down to hide it. The waitress comes to take our finished pizza away.

-“Did you enjoy tonight?” Jordan asks.

-“Yeah, I loved it, it was amazing!” I say, smiling. Jordan takes my hands from across the table.

-“Thank you to you for making it the best night ever,” Jordan says.

- “Awww thank you,” I say

. His hands are burning at the touch and my stomach is doing somersaults. I look into his eyes and I melt inside.

-“You know, you’re the first really guy I’ve ever really liked,” I say.

- “Yeah?” Jordan says.

-“Yeah,” I say.

-“You finished your drink?” Jordan asks.

- “Yeah” I say.

-“So, you want to go on a walk?” Jordan asks.

-“Sure,” I say.

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