Chapter 14 -indecisive

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Author's note: ty to those who've been voting, it truly gives me motivation:)♡

"So who was it this time?"


Looking up from the magazine that hid her from your line of vision, Hitch furrowed her brows at the sudden choice of topic.

"Heh? What are you referring to?" she questioned, letting the opened booklet fall over her chest.

It wasn't long for her to sense the strange tension you were creating, eyes showing no trace of emotion. Sitting up, the both of you now stared at one another before you broke the growing silence once more.

"I started hanging out with Jean recently," you began, noticing her figure tense up with the usage of names. "I was with him when I saw your scrunchie."

You could see the hint of panic growing in her eyes. You only stared back with no sign of disturbance.

"Those look like hickies, are they not?" you added, raising a brow.

Hitch untucked her short strands of hair in an attempt to conceal her already discovered traces. It's nothing new that you haven't seen before; only now does she feel the need to act embarrassed.

"You've never bothered to ask me about these things before," she pointed out, looking up from her slight cower. "I don't get why now."

You clenched onto your bedsheets, taking in a quick breath before straightening your back.

"Jean's a good guy, have you two called it quits or something?" you questioned.

You don't know why you suddenly became so invested. Her personal life didn't even affect you. Yet here you were, questioning her lifestyle as if you were shaming her.

Hitch stood up from the foot of her bed and made her way towards you. Her usually bright standpoint was no longer detected. Sitting down next to you, she let out an almost shaky breath.

"No, we haven't," she spoke up.

Your eyes stayed glued to your knees, trying to find a possible interpretation for those three words.

"I told you, we are just having fun," she trailed off, looking off into the hollow room.

"But, does he know you're seeing other people? Have you both agreed on that?" you asked.

why am I stepping over the line here?

The sudden impulse to ask was driving you crazy. Like an itch that continued to grow that you refrained from scratching. Until now, that is.

"You hung out with Jean what, two or three times? You've known me for way longer than that... you may doubt it, but aren't we like best friends?" she rambled on. You haven't seen Hitch so pressed before. In fact, you can't recall whether or not you have ever held such a serious conversation.

"Of course you are, but what does that have to do with it though?" you asked genuinely.

Bringing a hand to her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, you realized she was slightly shivering.

"Then best friends aren't supposed to judge each other, right?"

Creasing your brows, you began to feel your eyes sting; the hardened look you plastered started to dissipate.

Hitch drew in a long, desperate breath of air as she flexed her shoulders. Keeping her gaze off to the side, you remained as you were.

"Everything was fine for a while, but he became so distant out of nowhere. It's like overnight he just stopped reading my messages, and I know damn well that's not like him" she went on.

You can't remember the last time Hitch got so worked up over a man. A man who was exclusive, at that.

"Maybe...he's been busy lately?" you suggested, trying to find her a solution.

She let out an outburst of laughter. You raised your head to face her, only to see she was running a hand through her hair with her head dropped.

"Busy? You said it yourself, you've been able to hang out with him, so why not me?"

You could feel the slight pain in her voice. Your eyes softened at the sight before you.

"...So you found comfort in someone else instead," you finished for her.

The room grew silent. Sitting up slightly, she nodded.

"...he's very sweet.." she finished.

Forming a small smile, you rubbed circles on her back.

"Something must be different then if you even managed to clean up the entire dorm," you pointed out.

Letting out a sarcastic laugh, as if clearing the air of any discomfiture, Hitch formed a grin.

"As soon as I came home I called up different friends to try and help, only one agreed cus he's a total clean freak," she added.

Now, the both of you erupted in laughter.

The anxious mood was long gone, but your concerns were still lingering. After you both settled down, you closed your eyes as you thought.

"Hitch, I get that you don't consider what you and Jean have to be serious, but you should at least talk it out if you're unhappy," you started, laying your back onto the bed.

Copying, she let out an exhausted sigh. "I was going to yesterday, but as soon as I left our building," she trailed off, pinching her nose bridge. "I see him leaving that dull bitch's room."

Dull bitch?

Turning your head, you waited for her to do the same. "Is there any chance that this dull bitch is a girl named Mikasa?" you questioned, remembering how the two of them came and left together from the frat.

"Wow, if you even know her of all people, I may just start to feel left out," she giggled, turning so her head could rest on her forearm.

Playfully hitting her on the side, you rolled over as well.

"How come if she's just a dull bitch?" you yawned.

Rubbing her eyes sluggishly, her words were spat out in a mumble.
Words that left you troubled; before the fatigue let the both of you rest in unity.

"Her elite group of assholes just know how to mess things up."

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