Chapter 19 - Levi

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"I'm sorry you had to see that."

You both quietly shuffled through the door entrance, awkward silence settling in as you fiddled with your dampened sleeves. Levi was quick to act as if nothing happened, as if he too was suffering from secondhand embarrassment. 

Regardless, you kept your head lowered, unable to look past the empty floor you walked over. It must have looked pathetic crying like that in his eyes.

As you both continued around a corner, Levi finally cleared his throat, letting it echo down the hall. You dared to raise your eyes to him, only to see he still kept his gaze ahead; the usual hardened look plastered over his face hid any trace of thought once more.

"Do you feel better?" He questioned out loud, disrupting the silence. His steps became slower, trying to remain at your lazy pace. 

You kept silent, only the soles of both your shoes could be heard. As much as you wanted to answer him, you couldn't even ask that question yourself.

Looking ahead, you let out a sigh of exhaustion. Perhaps if you thought about it, you could come up with some kind of excuse later, to lessen the burden for those around you. But right now, you were more than ready to crawl into the comfort of your-

Shoes letting out a large squeak, you stood there with your brows scrunched. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" you spoke, mouth hung loose as you stared straight ahead.

As if life couldn't get any worse right now.

Levi halted soon after, taking notice of your sudden outburst. Your eyes threatened to spill once more as the anger began to consume you. His eyes followed to where you were staring, only to see the hall was still empty.

"You...didn't have to respond like that," he commented, looking back at you puzzled.

Instead of replying, you buried your face into your palms, trying your best not to let out another unneeded outburst. 

"Looks like my room is fucking occupied," you muttered out, letting a shaky sigh escape your lips. 

Levi turned back towards the hallway, and only then did he finally realize a scrunchie was wrapped around one of the door handles not too far from you both. He frowned once he looked back towards you, somewhat feeling the stress you were emitting now.

Before either of you could squeeze in another word, you forced your body to twist around, heading back down the hallway you just arrived from.

You prayed the library study rooms weren't packed, or worst comes to worst, the communal bathrooms would be unlocked. Right now, you just had to get away. Your feeling of helplessness was starting to tempt you to bang on the door; and right now, you couldn't bare to make things worse with Hitch than it already was.

"Wait, where are you going?" Levi followed after you. You only continued to gnaw on the inside of your lip so you wouldn't let out a sassy remark. You couldn't help but feel even worse now that you had someone chasing you around the whole night.

"I'm tired, I just want to sleep," you brushed him off, hoping he'd let you figure things out on your own. 

Maybe the librarian will take pity on me? Maybe if I force out some more tears-

"You must be roommates with Hitch," he called out, seeing as you were now about to disappear around the corner. 

Your shoes let out another squeak.

Turning back around with a confused look, you examined his desperate stance. He seemed almost relieved, letting out a small breath of relief. He continued to walk after you, grabbing onto your wrist gently. Before you could question him, he began to lead you towards the staircase just a bit further.

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