Chapter 32 - seven minutes

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Author's Note:

How is this already at 10k?? ty all for sticking around<3


Letting out an awkward chuckle, you crossed your legs as you adjusted in your seat. 

"Why so serious all of sudden?" you pointed out, watching as he tucked the last of your hair away. 

A few people began to gaze in your direction, likely confused by his unusual gestures. You raised a brow with slight panic, seeing that he has yet to say anything about the sudden whispers.

"Um...Levi?" you repeated yourself. 

Though he didn't move his head, you watched as his eyes shifted to look beyond you. They continued to wander around the room, as if looking for something specific. 

You began to turn your head, hoping to investigate what had his attention, but before you could, he cleared his throat warily.  

"Don't. It'll be obvious."

"What?" you questioned, clearly confused by his actions. 

Letting out a sigh, Levi then took back his hand, resting it over the head of the couch. He tilted his head, facing you once more with half-shut eyes.

"He's on the other couch, but he was definitely watching." 

You wanted to turn and look even more now, but disregarding his wishes did not seem to be a good idea. You could tell he was no longer in a lively mood, much more dull, if anything.

"Who? Eren?" 

"Bingo," he then looked towards the floor, crossing his arms slowly. "You can look now."

You turned your head just enough to where you could look from the corner of your eyes, examining where he had mentioned. 

Sure enough, Eren was there, sandwiched on the opposite couch.

Chatting with a blonde boy you couldn't quite recognize, you did, however, notice Mikasa sitting on his other side. You felt yourself stiffen once your gaze landed on her; but as lucky as you were, she was too busy reapplying her blood-red lipstick to notice.

"Jesus," you slipped out lowly.

Clearing your throat, you turned your knees, facing the boy beside you a bit more.

"Um, I can't tell what you're trying to accomplish here," you spoke up. 

As if on cue, Connie appeared through the crowd, enabling several people to turn and acknowledge him. He continued to dap up anyone and everyone who took the time to greet him. He definitely belonged in a place like this.

"Connie's up. Take your pick, what are you gonna play?" Levi questioned, seemingly ignoring your prior comment. 

You watched as Connie guided a group of people away, only the words "beer pong" were able to be heard from the sudden commotion.

"Maybe if we ask nicely, you can rig it," he continued, resting his cheek against his palm. 

You frowned to yourself upon hearing those words. So he was trying to help you? Is that what he meant? 

Soon enough, Connie returned to the couches, declaring strip poker would be near the stairs. You chewed on your lip as you watched a few more people follow after him. 

You then dared to look back to where Eren was sitting previously. He has yet to move from his spot, nor did the two beside him. Right before you could turn away though, Eren's eyes suddenly rose. 

7 Minutes Eren X Reader (fan continuation)Where stories live. Discover now