preference #1

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TW: abusive past

- dream would go very quiet
- he would slowly make his way towards you
-his touch would be gentle to show that he wouldn't hurt you
-then he would give you a big, comforting hug and whisper things such as "I'm so sorry you had to go through that", "I'll always be here for you", " I would never hurt you"

-sap would immediately say in a very quiet voice "I would never hurt you y/n"
-he would feel very guilty for making you reminisce your bad past
-so then he would try to get your mind off things by just having a comfort night
-the whole night would be filled with hugs, kisses and words of affirmation
-ie, "I love you", "you're so pretty", "you're the best", "you're my girl/boy/favourite person"
-manz would basically shower you in compliments to show that you are perfect

-george just like sapnap would go very quiet
-"did you think I was going to hurt you?"
-if you don't answer him, he would get very upset to know that someone was hurting his partner
-he would slowly walk closer to you and spread his arms out to be respectful of what you're feeling at the moment
-if you ended up hugging him, he would probably never let go

-this is the blood god we are talking about
-he would simply ask "who hurt you"
-if you didn't answer, he would ask you again and keep nagging you until you told him
-don't even think about hurting his partner because he WILL find you and just MURDER the actual fuck out of whoever you are

-Tommy would get why you flinched immediately because manz also has been through t r a u m a /rp
- jokes aside if tommy went to high five you or in the rare occasion, hug you and you flinched, he would be very confused and would feel like you didn't want his physical affection
-soon he would start to put the puzzle pieces together and when he got it, he would be the human embodiment of 😧
- he would then start to ramble on and on about how sorry he was and that he would never even think about hurting you because let's all be honest, we know Tommy has a soft side

-Will would be the person to go in for a hug, because have you seen how tall this mf is?
-when you flinch even the slightest inch, he would get super paranoid
-"love, I'm not going to hurt you" "don't ever think that" "I'm here to protect you"
-he would then get his guitar and play you a song

-Tubbo would be the one to jump into your arms when trying to give you a hug
-when you flinch a lot at his contact, he goes dead still and VERY quiet
- "y/n, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that"
-he would just gently wrap his arms around you and gently rub your back

-ranboo again, would be a great huggy boi because well, he is 6'6
-when you suddenly flinch, his entire systems would just break down
-usually ranboo is calm and nice, nope now manz has gone into death mode
-you hurt the people he loves, he will break your body
-living with techno teaches him shit y'know
-he would hold your hand and then slowly bring you into his chest, before hugging you like you two would never see each other again

~592 words~

A/n: aaaaa, this was my first preference! Hope you guys liked it! Please leave any requests you have because I would love to write them

please vote and comment on chapters!! It motivates me a lot to keep going :))

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