preference #2

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- dream would just basically come into the room after like a big day of filming or stuff like that and if you were already chilling on the bed, he would walk over and sleep directly on top of you
- if you don't do anything, he would physically grab your hands and move them so you were hugging him. Soon you would get the memo and the two of you would be c u d d l i n g


- Sapnap is like a mfing teddy bear and he is the type I see to love cuddles
- Sap would literally just scream "BABY I WANT CUDDLES" and then not even wait for your answer and like pick you up and take you to bed, so you guys could cuddle
- once you're wrapped in this mans arms, you're not gonna be able to leave until he wants you to leave, so get comfortable bestie

- ah gogy. George is very bad at expressing his feeling and emotions, so he would be very awkward at first
- he would just like walk up to you and like kiss your cheek or hug you. Basically do subtle things to show he wants attention
- after like a lot of confidence building up he would just blurt out "can we cuddle?" And would be very nervous because he thought he overstepped boundaries or some shit
-you would obviously agree (because I know most people reading this are fucking touch-starved, but I am too, so it's okay bestie *sends virtual hug*) and he would be happy

- techno is our touch starved blood god. He is such an awkward boy when it comes to asking for affection. I would see techno as someone who wouldn't show much affection in a relationship because he doesn't know how to express his affection
-so when you notice him acting much more affectionate than usual, you would get happy but start to get concerned. Did he murder someone? Does he want something? Did he do something? Or is she just showing affection?
- I would see him asking like this; "y/n after you finish doing whatever you were doing...I was in wondering if we could cuddle?" He would obviously start to get embarrassed. THE blood god asking for cuddles? Whaaaat
- when you tell him that you're always down for cuddles, he would smile and then eagerly wait for you to finish whatever you were doing so he could get cuddles

- Wilbur is kinda like dream and Sapnap mixed. He would be like subtle about it, but also have no shame in asking. A simple "y/n I want cuddles please". If you told him to give you a sec, he would throw a fit and then stomp over to you and then pick you up, throwing you over his shoulder and then get his mfing cuddles

- niki gets infinite cuddles, she don't even need to fucking ask

-pfft you think karl asks for cuddles? No. Mans is basically attached to you 25/8. He is a clingy mf, but it's cute. You and karl basically cuddle for a living

-Ranboo would say some smartass excuse like "dang it is SO cold today, I wish I could have a human blanket!" Then he would just stare at you until you get the hint

-Tubbo would simply say "y/nnnnnn I am in need of affection and loveeeee"

-ha, you think tommyinnit asks for cuddles? He would rather be asking for p r i m e s
- but like if tommy were to suddenly need affection and want cuddles, he would walk over to you, tap you on the shoulder and kinda just like fiddle with his fingers
-he would then speak fast than Eminem himself saying "i would like to cuddle with you woman, give me cuddles right now bitch...please". You would look at him dumbfounded and ask him to repeat what he said slower. So he would and then you would just laugh before agreeing

~674 words~

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