preference #11

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tw: death

- he would think that it was all one sick joke and praying for the "it's a joke!". when it didn't come, he would go very very quiet
- i see Dream not really talking to others much or taking care of himself. He would just lay in bed and think about all the fun times he had with you. Oh and he would 100% hug his pillow, pretending that it was you

- like dream, he wouldn't believe it at first. no like, refuse to believe it and get angry out of sadness
- he wouldn't sleep. just stay up and think of ways he could've prevented it from ever happening

- George wouldn't know what to say. He would go super emotionless
- he would sleep a lot, so he could see you and talk to you in his dreams

- Karl would try to be cheerful about it. Like not making it a sob story because he wants everyone to cherish good memories
- he would 100% spray your perfume/cologne on his pillow so he could cuddle with it, pretending it to be you

- will would sit in you room and sing your favourite songs. he would also sing new songs he was working on. Any songs of his that you really liked that hadn't been released yet, he would work on it so much and get it out to make you happy

- I have no idea why, but I feel like tommy would be the type to look at videos of you. Just be remembering memories of you. Seeing you laughing. He would probably watch them a lot

- I see niki as the type to light candles around her house for you. She would also go to your grave every week and replace her old flowers with new once. Once a month, she would sit down infront of your grave and have a picnic, talking to you

- Ranboo would be in denial for so fucking long. He would just not accept the fact that you were gone. When reality finally hit him, he would just break down

- techno would be calm on the outside, but when he's alone, he would shed tears. Thinking of ways to get you back. He would reread all your favourite books

- Tubbo would tru and be optimistic. He would get a lot of your things, especially clothes. He would wear your clothes

~ 416 words ~

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