The Meadow Maiden

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"It is the queen of the Meadow Maidens," said Drizzlemister as the woman drew nearer. Ethan saw that she carried a silver staff.

She came closer and smiled. "I got your message, Drizzelmister and came as soon as I could. Welcome to the Misty Meadows. I'm afraid you haven't come at the best of times," she said, looking around her. "I hope you took precautions against the Mist Maidens?"

Just as she was saying this, they heard someone singing— beautiful, unearthly voices. Ethan listened. It was unlike anything he had heard before in his life.

"The Mist Maidens," said the woman, frowning. "Come along. You must be tired. I will take you to my place," she said, walking ahead of them. They followed.

 They went on ahead. All the while, the songs were resounding all around them.

"They are hunting," said the Drizzlemister, looking at Ethan. "I hope no one falls prey to their song. Our scouts have been on the lookout and arousing travellers and fighting off the Mist Maidens, and protecting sleeping travellers who come without taking precautions, knowingly or unknowingly.

"You are rendering a great service," said Drizzlemister as they came to a sudden stop.

"Thank you, but it is our duty, as the protectors of the Meadows, everything that's within it under our care!"

"It is understandable," said Drizzlemister as the Meadow Maiden raised her hand.

They had come to a fairy ring with mushrooms growing all around it. The Meadow Maiden struck the ground with the staff, and a metal ring became visible. She hit the ground again a light came into view. When he looked closer, Ethan saw that steps were leading downwards.

The Meadow Maiden went down it, and Drizzelmister, Diana and Ethan followed. They came to a door, and the Meadow Maiden opened it. She went in and held the door open for the rest to enter. Then she shut it behind her. There was a warm fire burning in the fireplace. There were chairs and two couches.

"Let me get something for you," she said, going off. She came back carrying a tray filled with cookies, cream cakes and a mug of lemon juice with three cups. Then she served Drizzlemister, Diana and Ethan.

"What brings you here to the meadows?" she asked, looking at Drizzlemister. "And you didn't introduce me to your travelling companions."

"This is Diana, and this is Ethan. Ethan will tell you why we are here. We are on our way to the Wonderful Woods."

So Ethan once again told The Meadow Maiden everything that had happened. She listened.

"The Wonderful Woods isn't somewhere I would like to be going myself. It is a sinister place. Full of wraiths and robbers, I hear, " brushing off a strand of hair that had fallen off onto her face.

"I didn't know about that," said Drizzlemister tugging his beard. "It is news indeed. I hope, with luck, that we don't run into any of them."

"Well, luck only takes one so far. You better go prepared."

"I agree. But I think between Diana and me we could handle things. At least I hope we will manage."

"You better start in the morning," said the Meadow Maiden, pointing at the clock. It was nearly seven in the morning. Hopefully, the mist will clear off tomorrow."

Ethan looked around. He saw a candle on the mantlepiece. As he looked at it, it lit up by itself. Then a voice started speaking. "I sense that a great being has entered this place: someone whose power is unmatched, someone who will unite the celestial and the terrestrial."

"Who is that?" said Diana looking around. "I thought that I heard someone speak."

"I thought so too," said Drizzlemister looking around.

"The candlelight itself," said Ethan pointing to it. It wasn't alight before, but it is now. Look!"

They all looked. Sure enough, the candle was burning bright.

That is the celestial candle. It speaks when it chooses." explained the Meadow Maiden."I wonder who it was talking about when it spoke out that prophecy.

"I think it was speaking about Ethan,' said Drizzlemister. "I felt that his aura was intense from the moment we met. I haven't felt an aura as potent before.

"It is him, the child that goes by the name, Ethan. He is the greatest magical being of all time. He shall, as I mentioned, unite the celestial and the terrestrial and put an end to the tyranny that is about to be unleashed by evil forces."

"Well, wizard, you haven't been around and about for a while. While you were stuck with your scrolls, books and scholars, evil has been at work. Darkness has been brewing in the land. The child knows more than he reveals. He is aware of some of it. He knows the mastermind behind this scheme of evil.

"How can Ethan know. He just stepped into Celestia. Ethan hasn't been here before. All along he has been in our company. He didn't have any chance to get to know anyone from Celestia without our knowledge because he was with us all the time. "

"I'm surprised that you can be so shortsighted, wizard. He knows more about this than you do. Nevertheless, I will spare him the trouble and tell you about it myself if you choose to listen."

"Yes. Please do enlighten us," said Drizzlemister getting up along with Diana and the Meadow Maiden. They all gathered around the candle. The candle flame spoke.

"This land is under a dark cloud. There is a wizard, whom I will not name. Who plans to take over Celestia and Terestia both at the same time. The only person who can stop him is this child. It is his destiny. Just go to the tree of prophecies if you want to make sure if what I say is true.

"Well, he has his ways, and I can't read everything in a person's mind. But he intends to use the essence of all the magical creatures to carry forward his plans."

"So magical creatures living in the Wonderful Woods are the ones in immediate danger."

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