The Dwarves

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Diagon flew on and on until the mountains came closer and closer. They arrived at the hill and landed at the foot of the mountains.

"We need to go ahead through the tunnels and passages and find them!"

There was a flash and, Diagon changed into a dog. He went on inside the cave.

"The cave is so dark!" thought Ethan as they went deeper and deeper into the cave.

"The cave is so dark!" thought Ethan as they went deeper and deeper into the cave. Then he remembered the ring and took it out and put it on, and it lighted up instantly and glowed brightly.

They went on deeper and deeper into the cave. Ethan and Diagon went down passages that were narrow and broad.

Slatilctities and stalagmites were sticking out of the floor and the roof. They came across a small stream. Ethan suddenly felt thirsty at the sight of it. He stopped and was about to drink some water when Diagon said, "Don't drink. The water is enchanted."

Then they heard the sound of singing come from further ahead of the passage. The singing grew louder and louder as they walked on. There was a light in the passageway.

Many voices were singing a queer song.

Hit, crumble and smash,

Hammer away, crash,

We give knock by knock,

Mining away the rock!

The rock that hides a treasure,

treasure that's beyond measure!

That will make our kingdom grow.

Grow on forever more

Then when they came upon the company, everyone fell silent. Diagon walked forward and said, "We come to meet the king of the dwarves about a matter of urgency!

"Well, who are you?" said one of the dwarves coming forward.

"I'm Diagon, the dragon!" said Diagon, and instantly, there was laughter from the dwarves.

"Diagon? he died a hundred years ago. You are an impersonator!"

Then there was a flash, and Diagon took his proper shape. The dwarves stares.

"But...this is impossible!" said the dwarf who had spoken first. "We will take you to the king this instant!"

Diagon and Ethan followed the dwarf, and the others made way for them to pass.

They walked down a passage and came to a large pair of doors. The dwarf knocked on the door, and two dwarves opened it.

"Visitors for the king," said the dwarf and the guards looked at Ethan and Diagon and stared and opened the doors.

 The hall was large and had tall stone pillars extending up to the roof. A fire burning in the middle of the room and sitting on the throne was a plump short figure with a long black beard. He was wearing a crown studded with sparkling on his crown. He was holding a silver staff in his hand that was studded with jewels as well.

Diagon bowed in front of the king. Unlike the other dwarves, he didn't express any surprise, even if he might have felt it. He bowed back and said, "what brings you to me, the conjurer?"

"Sire, I'm not a conjuror, but my master is! We come seeking your aid.

"Who are you? Where do you come from?"

"I come from the valley of death, whereas my master came to this world from Terrestia?"

"Terrestia? Would you like to explain yourself?"

"Yes. I was living there, but that is a long story."

"I'm all ears," said the dwarf king leaning forward. Ethan knew that he had no choice but to tell the dwarf king his story from the beginning. "I wish someone wrote down my story and passed it around," he thought to himself as he began telling everything that had happened since the dragon had escaped out of the notebook.

The king listened, tugging at his beard all the while. When Ethan had finished reciting his story, he sat silent for a moment. "I know Drizzlemister, and he had been a faithful friend to me in times of distress. So your friend is a real dragon!" he said, looking at Diagon with awe.

"Yes," said Ethan looking at Diagon, who was standing by him.

"I never thought that I would meet a dragon in my lifetime! How can I help you?"

"We need a special suit of armour that will be resistant to the power of the masked men!"

"That will be a challenging task indeed. I will ask my smiths and see if anyone is willing to undertake the task."

"We are grateful to your majesty. In return, I will give you dragon fire to power your furnaces!"

"That would be a precious thing as dragon fire is thought to have many magical properties and the ability to imbue objects cast in it with magical powers as well!"

"That is true. Water boiled with dragon fire can cure most infections and ailments."

"I have a bad headache," said the dwarf king. Let's put the properties of dragon fire to the test!"

He clapped his hands, and a dwarf came bustling to him. I want you to get a torch."

"As you wish, your majesty," said the man and went and came back with an unlit torch.

"Here you go," said the dwarf king, hilding the torch in his hand. "Light it up when you are ready."

"I'm always ready," said Diagon and opened his mouth and let out a thin stream of fire that was partly green, purple, blue, orange, violet, red and yellow. It was a beautiful sight on the watch. The flame glowed of the torch glowed in all the colours of the rainbow.

"This is so beautiful." said the king looking at the fire. "It's like I'm holding a rainbow in my hand!"

"Thank you, my lord," said Diagon bowing his head.

The dwarf king clapped again, and a dwarf came to him and bowed. "I want you to take this to the kitchen and tell the cook to use this fire to prepare me a soup!"

"As you command, your majesty!" said the dwarf taking the torch from the dwarf king's hand and bowing at him.

"You must be tired!" said the dwarf king looking at Ethan and Diagon. I will arrange quarters for you to rest.

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