In the Wonderful Woods

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"It's good to have you back, Roddy", said the men, and they turned to Ethan and patted him on the back. "We couldn't have done without you and your dragon."

"Well, I'm glad that I helped," said Ethan and Diagon nodded his head.

"So, what now?" said Diagon looking at the gathering. "What do you want to do?"

"We were going to meet the gipsies to find out what we can do about a small problem we are having!"

"Well, I will go with you. We will lend you the horses we stole as well," said Roddy coming forward.

So Drizzlimester, Diana, Ethan, Diagon and Roddy took their leave from the rest. Three of the men came leading three horses. Drizzlemister got on to one, Diana and Ethan onto another, and Roddy onto another. Diagon followed in the shape of a wolf.

They went through the wood. The shadow lengthened, and the woods grew darker and eerier as the sun began to descend. Soon the woods were lost in darkness. The moon was full, and the stars shone like bright silver embers upon the pitch-black sky.

They went deeper and deeper into the woods. As they went on ahead, insects filled the wood with the sounds of chirping insect and the hooting of owls. Bats darted about like leaves caught of a stormy wind.

Then they heard the sound of faint music coming from far off. Roddy said, "that should be them!"

The sound grew louder and clearer as they went nearer and nearer. Then there were sounds of dogs barking, and the music stopped. 

The cool breeze blew through the forest, making the leaves rustle like a million whispers. The dogs kept barking as they approached the camp. A few men were waiting to meet them. They had swords drawn, and some had axes and clubs.

"Well, we mean no harm. We come to see the prophetess," said Roddy bowing to the men. Drizzlemisrer, Diana and Ethan got off of the horse and turned as well.

"You will have to stay until the morning, I'm afraid," said a man coming forward. I'm the chief of this camp. How may I help you?"

"If you can allow us to camp with you tonight, then that would do," said Roddy putting his hand forward.

The man took it and shook it. Then he said, "Follow me," and they all followed him into the camp.

The camp was a cluster of tents of various colours. Around the fire were gathered, people. They had started singing once again. Some young girls and boy were dancing while others were chatting in small groups, in ones and twos. Some of them lifted their heads and to look at them.

The man showed them space to put up camp. Roddy had brought camping gear for all of them, and they set it up together. Drizzlemister and Ethan were to sleep in one tent while Roddy and Diana were to sleep in two separate tents.

Ethan fell asleep immediately and sleep soundly until he woke up suddenly. He thought that he had heard a noise. There it was again. It was high pitched screaming. People were running about with torches, and Drizzlemister was no longer by him. Ethan got up and noticed that something crept into the tent. Ethan recognised that it was Diagon.

"I'm going to assume by true shape!" he said and added, "the camp is under attack by wood wraiths!"

"I will put on my ring," said Ethan and fished for the golden ring inside his pocket and took it out and put it on. He also took the locket and opened it.

'How can you defeat wraiths?" he asked as soon as the maiden in the mirror appeared.

"wraiths are afraid of the light. transform your ring into a ball of fire and throw it at them!"

"Alright, thank you so much," he said and then put the locket inside his trouser pocket and stepped out of the tent. There was shrieking, shouting and running about, and there was a flash just next to him, and Diagon changed into a dragon.

"Hop on," said Diagon and Ethan clambered onto him, and he shot out into the sky. They were flying over the campsite. There strange black figures were rushing about like tor pieces of fabric floating in the air, like ragged, stringless, weirdly shaped kites without strings with a will of their own.

"I will drop down to where they are the thickets, and we will drive them away," said Diagon and swooped down into the camp. There was a shriek, and someone shouted, "what is the world! It's a dragon!"

"We are here to help," shouted Ethan at the top of his voice.

"We are here to help," shouted Ethan at the top of his voice. Then Diagon breathed fire onto a warmth, and it rose to the air and disappeared into the clouds.

Then Ethan concentrate, and the ring floated off his fingers and burst into flames. He thrust his hands forward, and the ball of fire shot forwards towards another wraith and struck it.

The wraith floated off into the darkness. One by one, Ethan and Diagon attacked the wraiths. Drizzlemister and Diana joined in, and soon, the camp was free of wraiths.

The people came out and looked at them spellbound. Then the chief came forward and bowed to them. "We didn't know that we had mages amongst us. It is an honour and a privilege to have you with us, and thank you for helping us!"

They bowed back. The sun was coming up on the horizon. There was a flash, and Diagon took the shape of a wolf once again.

"We didn't know that there were dragons in existence!" said the chief and added, "It's a privilege to see one in the flesh!"

Then all the campers bowed at them. The sky was turning pale as the sun was coming up. Everyone went back to their tents and back to sleep.

Ethan yawned. He put the ring back inside his pocket. He lay down, and soon, he was fast asleep.

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