The Magical Masks

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"Alright, let's go and see," said the dwarf lord and said, "Come to the catacombs."

They walked across passages and corridors and came to a stairway where the stairs went down and down. Ethan climbed down with Diagon, the dwarf king and the dwarf lord. They went down and down until the air became felt cool, and they entered a dimply lit camber where there were graves everywhere. The dwarf lord to lead them to one with fresh flowers sprinkled on it.

Then two of the dwarfs who accompanied them lifted the lid covering the grave with much difficulty. There inside it was the figure of a little dwarf girl. The dwarf lord burst into tears. "She still looks as fresh as a flower!"

Ethan took out the vial and sprinkled some liquid over the corpse. Suddenly it opened the eyes and looked around. "What am I doing in this place? And why is everyone staring at me? And who are they?" asked the princess in one breath.

"Don't be silly, dad, and I was asleep. Why do I have this fancy dress on, and why do you have these flowers all over me?"

"That's a long story, my child!" said the dwarf lord lifting the girl off the coffin. "This is worthy of celebration. I owe everything to this, young gentleman!"

"Thank you, but it was nothing," said Ethan smiling and putting the vial back inside his pocket.

They went back into the hall, and the dwarf lady came running when she saw her daughter and hugged her.

"Someone tell me what happened. I fell asleep, and everyone is acting strange since and why did you put me in the catacombs? I don't recall being dead."

"You were my child," said the dwarf lord, "but the most important thing is that you are alive now!"

"Yes. We should declare a feast," said the dwarf lord, and then the dwarf lord's servants arranged everything soon, and while Ethan and Diangon took s stroll in the dwarf lords garden walking amongst the beautiful white marble statues and fountains and the feast was made ready.

Night fell, and the whole place was light up with torches and lanterns.

The dwarf lord sat at the head of the table, and Ethan and Diagon had chairs close to them. He got up and cleared his throat. The dwarf lord took a cup and clanged a spoon, and everyone went silent.

"Today is a happy day for me. My daughter has been brought back from the dead. I'm pleased to say that the prince of Marshdom is the one who brought her back to life! I'm forever grateful to him. Then he raised his chalice and said, "this is to the health of the princess and the prince of Marshdom!" 

There was loud cheering and clapping at this, and then the music played, and they danced the night away.

There was loud cheering and clapping at this, and then the music played, and they danced the night away.

The clock struck twelve, and suddenly the lamps and the lanterns went off. A fog rolled in through the windows, and suddenly, everything went quiet. The dwarf king pulled out his dagger and looked around. The howling broke the silence of the dog!

"That's uncanny," said the dwarf lord, and there was a sudden silver light, and there appeared a man with a long silver beard. He was carrying a silver staff, and he looked around at the dwarves.

"You have stolen something that belongs to me! You have robbed me of my due," said a shrill voice that sounded like wind on a stormy night. "I know you are here, boy! Come face me!"

Ethan felt his legs shake. He walked almost against his will towards the tall gaunt figure. Diagon growled and took the form of a dog and followed at his feet. Then he said quickly to Ethan, "Use your ring. Throw it in the air, and I will light it up with dragon fire and make the ring fit around his forehead!"

Ethan heard their words and quickly took out the ring and threw it high up into the air, and there was a flash, and Diagon turned into a dragon. Everyone gasped. He breathed fire at the ring which and Ethan suspended it in the air by closing its eyes and thinking about the ring being suspended in the air. Then he pictures the ring floating across space and fixing itself on the strange figure that had appeared with the dog.

 There was a howl of pain from the silver-haired man. Both the dog and the man vanished in a cloud of fog. The glowing ring fell to the ground, and Ethan picked it up. Everyone cheered. "light the lamps and the torches, get the fires burning. Send for more drinks!"

There were cheers around the hall. Everyone came and shook hands with Ethan and Diagon (who changed back and took the shape of a dwarf). Everyone drank to the health of Ethan and Diagon.

It was nearly five in the morning when the last of the dwarves walked out of the hall. Ethan yawned. He was feeling sleepy. They went into their chamber, and soon both Ethan and Diagon were fast asleep.

The following day they woke up late to the sound of knocking on the door. Ethan and Diagon got up. "Come in," said Ethan getting out of the bed. A silver-haired dwarf stood by the door and said, "the king awaits your presence with the lord of this place!"

Ethan got up, followed the man to the hall, and saw that the dwarf king and the dwarf lord were waiting for him. He bowed, and they bowed in turn.

 A dwarf soldier was holding something wrapped in his hand. "As a gift, we would like to present you with what you wanted and something more!"

The dwarf unwrapped what he was holding, and underneath it was a polished silver mask! Ethan stared. It was the most beautiful mask he had ever seen in his life.

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