The Rescue

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"It isn't just beautiful. It is also magical!" said the dwarf king, handing over the mask to Ethan.

"Rathanon made the mask with bits from the celestial crystal embedded in it!"

"Put it on and look at yourself in a mirror!" said the dwarf lord. Ethan bowed and thanked them both and was about to turn back.

"Don't just go yet! we have something more for you!"

Ethan turned around and faced the dwarf king and the dwarf lord. The dwarf lord was holding a silver locket in his hands.

He handed the locket to Ethan. It felt cool to the touch and shone like a polished coin.

"Rathanon made this for you! It is a magical locket. This locket can change its shape to suit the shape of any keyhole."

"That is so cool," said Ethan looking at the locket, which seemed like any other ordinary locket. "Thank you so much!"

"It is our pleasure to help you," said the dwarf king and dwarf king beaming.

"Your majesty, I don't mean to be ungrateful, but we need to leave soon. I fear for Drizzlemister and Diana."

"Yes. We will send some help along as well!" said the dwarf king, "in case you get into trouble.

Ethan thanked the dwarf king and the dwarf lord once again.

"I will turn into a dragon, and we can fly there and get to the hideout of the masked men as soon as possible."

Then Diagon leapt into the air and flew off into the air. The ground fell beneath them, and soon the trees were just smudges, and the roads were like a rope. They flew, and they flew. They flew until the sun came high into the air. When they had passed some time, they saw a lake in the distance. It shone and sparkled like a mirror in the sunlight.

"Shall we stop for a drink?" said Diagon, and Ethan nodded his head. Diagon landed beside the shore of the lake. Ethan slid off the back of Diagon and bent down, cupped his hands and let the cool water fill in and had a drink. Diagon lapped the water with his tongue.

When they had had their fill, the lake water became still once more. "Tryyourt mask on!" said Diagon to Ethan, and Ethan took the mask and put it on and looked at the reflection on the lake. He couldn't see any reflection staring back at him.

"I'm invisible," said Ethan looking down at himself and realising that he couldn't see the rest of his body.

"That's precisely what we will need to get them out of prison! We should break-in at night. That way, we have darkness and the element of surprise at our side. Tomorrow is their festival. I think that will be the best day to break into the dungeons of the castle of the masked men."

"Where will we wait until then?" asked Ethan taking off the mask, and instantly his reflection appeared on the pool. "And what about you!"

"We will wait in the woods that border the lair of the Masked Men. The woods are a mysterious place that will offer us shelter and protection. We will make our way to the city from the woods!"

"What about you? You don't have a mask?''

"I'll disguise myself as a sparrow and follow your shadow!"

"Okay then," said Ethan, climbing on to Diagon. Diagon flapped his wings and took off into the air. He rose higher and higher into the sky, passing a flock of pigeons flying together.

They rose higher and higher into the air until the ground below was just like a canvas stretched out on the floor with blotches of paint strewn about it. 

The wind whistled in Ethan's ear, and the clouds floated by him. They flew for some time, and then there was a vast green patch ahead of them, and Diagon began to descend towards it. Trees came into view, and they landed by the edge of a stream, and there were trees just a few feet ahead of them.

 There was a flash, and Diagon changed into a wolf and walked on ahead. The trees cast shadows on the ground, and it was cool and refreshing to walk beneath their shade.

They walked on and on and came to a cave. "That looks like a good place to rest!" said Diagon, but look, there is someone already there. That doesn't matter. Go and ask him who he is. I will wait in the shadows."

"Alright," said Ethan and went up to the man and greeted him.

He nearly jumped out of his skin, and then he quickly pulled out a dagger said, "give me all your valuables,"

There was a flash from behind, and a roar and Diagon leapt in between the thief and Ethan.

The thief backed down and gasped. I didn't know that you were a wizard, sir!"

"Well, he is, and I am a real dragon, not an illusion, and yes, I can breathe fire. If I were you, I would give us lodging and something to eat.

Ethan looked at Diagon in awe. The thief backed down and put his dagger back in his sheath.

"As you wish!" said the thief and said, "come to my cave!"

"Alright!" said Ethan, and they followed the man to the cave.

There was some meat roasting over a fire on a spit. The smell was delicious and made Ethan's mouth water. The man went into the cave and came back with two metal plates. Diagon had turned back into a dwarf once again.

The man brought a knife, carved a big sliced of meat, served them on to the metal plates, and handed one to Ethan and Diagon.

Ethan ate ravenously. The meat was delicious. "This is nice! Thank you so much," he said as he picked up the last bit and put it in his mouth.

The sun was setting, and it was growing dark. The man light up a fire at the entrance of the cave. "Who are you?'' he asked Ethan and Diagon as he adjusted the logs on the fire.

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