The Healing Horn

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Ethan got down on his knees and start to put the puzzle together! Then he stood on it, and the door opened. There were more stars, and they went on climbing them. Up and up. They climbed until they came to another door that was shut. Ethan tried to use his ring and make a key and enter, but it didn't work.

It was then that they noticed a floating hand with a key in it. Whenever they tried to grab it, it moved out of reach. Ethan stretched his hand with the magic ring, which then turned into a net with a handle.

Then Ethan waved the net about, chasing the hand up and down the corridor until he finally had it in the net. Then he managed to grab the key from the severed hand, and the hand floated away. Ethan gave the key to the chief, who then opened the shut door with it.

Then they went in and saw a giant troll sitting on a chair, holding a silver horn in his hand. "So, you've broken through all the defences that I set!"

"We need the horn to heal the chief's son!" said Ethan as the others looked around the beautiful chamber decorated with stuffed animals of all sorts.

There were colourful tapestries, marble statues and vases decorated with beautiful patterns.

"Well, that is not my problem!" said the troll stepping out of his chair, which was richly decorated with glittering gems and shone golden from the sunlight streaming in through the windows.

 Then he left the horn on his throne and said, "whoever wants the horn will have to go through me!"

The giant troll stood towering and glaring at the crowd in the room. "Alright! I'll fight you!" said Ethan, looking directly at the troll in the eye.

The troll laughed! "You are just a boy! How do you hope to defeat me?"

"Ever heard of the story of David and Goliath?"

"Well, that is fiction!" said the troll pulling out a sword from his side. It shone in the light.

"Well, we can find out," said Ethan stretching his hand. The ring shot out and turned into a sword. Then the troll charged forward and dealt many blows, which Ethan's sword deflected.

This went on for several minutes, and Ethan's sword seemed to have a mind of its own. It dealt blows by itself. Then suddenly, it plunged itself into the giant! The troll fell and lay there motionless. Then suddenly, there was a sound that shook the tower. The roof started falling in.

"Let's get out of here!" said Diagon, and everyone ran out of the room. It was then that Ethan remembered that they had forgotten to grab the Healing Horn and went back to get it.

Diagon followed him. Ethan dodged the debris falling from the roof and managed to rush down the shaking tower falling apart. They ran down the stairs and went out of the building.

Everyone else was waiting outside the building as Ethan ran out with Diagon on the lead as a wolf. The tower crashed down, and Ethan stood holding the silver Healing Horn in his hands.

"Well done, Ethan," said the chief and everyone cheered. Roland patted Ethan on the back. Everyone got on to the back of their horses. Diagon turned into a stallion, and Ethan and Roland got on him. They rode through the wood!

They went to the witches house. She was at the doorstep. The chief handed the map to her.

"Thank you. This was helpful!"

"The ravens told me of your success at the tower. The tower crumbled down, I suppose?"

"Yes. We all managed to get out unharmed, but the troll is no more!"

"Well, good riddance!" said the witch, smirking.

 "We have to get going!" said the chief and then paused. "How do you use the healing horn?

"Just blow it in the ear of the patient! he will be alright in no time!"

They bid the witch farewell. Then they started riding towards the camp.

The gypsy chief rushed towards the camp. Inside he found his son breathing heavily. Ethan brought the healing horn and blew it in the child's ear.

The child sat straight up and looked dazed. He stood like that for a minute and said. "I feel so good. Like I can run a mile without pausing."

Everyone in the tent cheered. The news of the chief's child's recovery spread like wildfire. Everyone came to see the chief's child, who had recovered. 

Later that night, there was a celebration at the gypsy camp. Three fat wild boars were roasted on spits—the smell of cooking and frying food spread across the camp. 

The people gathered in groups and feasted around fires. Ethan ate to his heart content. There were roasted meats and baked yam. Everyone gathered ate to their heart's content.

The following day Ethan and Roland took their leave from the gypsies and started travelling back to the petrified castle. It was a long journey. Diagon turned into a dragon, and they both rode on him.

Roland was thrilled to ride on the back of Diagon as a dragon. He yelled at flocks of birds who flew in the sky and tried to touch the clouds. He had a lot of fun up in the air.

They arrived at the Perfieid Palace during nightfall. The countess couldn't recognise her brother at first. But when she did, there were tears of joy on both sides. The king was very pleased about the reunion of the siblings. He asked them about their adventures, and Ethan told them how they had defeated the troll and helped the gypsy chief's son.

There was a grand feast held next night in honour of the return of the countesses brother. The countess thanked Ethan with tearful eyes. They ate, drank and danced all through the night. The king even knighted the countesses brother and made him one of his close counsellors.

Ethan fell asleep with a light heart. He felt that this was his home. That he belonged in Celestia more than he ever did at Terrestia. He had often thought that he was a misfit back at Teresstia but here at Celestia, he felt that he was right where he belonged.

As it became late the guest left one by one. Ethan decided to call it a night and go back to his chamber. He took his leave from the guests and went back to his chamber with Diagon who had turned into a squirrel to keep out of sight.

Back in the room, there was a flash as Diagon changed back into a wolf. Ethan liked Diagon best when he was a dragon but second best when he was a wolf!

Diagon came and sat by him as he stood at the window of his chamber looking at sparkling stars outside. He wondered what the future held. He wondered when he would get to see his real mother again. He wondered what sort of adventures he might have in the future. He even wondered that if they would tell stories about his adventures. Then he yawned. A shooting star shot across the sky like a silver firework. Ethan made a wish and went back to his bed and lay down. Soon he fell asleep, dreaming of adventures he had had in Celestia and of adventures he might have in the future.

                                                              - THE END OF THE WONDERFUL WOOD -

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