The Warrior Mage: The New Age

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Note from Author,

I have been working on this story since I was sixteen. Please do not take my work, because this story means alot to me. Thank you.

 ~ Prologue ~

A beginning of a nightmare

Eleven Years Ago 


Flames danced up the char-coaled wooden house, as if it were a beast tearing the boards apart. The blaze crackled and popped, as the wooden frame, slowly, began to disintegrate. Screams began to grow louder and louder, as people in the streets watched with awe. Buckets of water were thrown at the house, but always evaporated before the cold river water, could touch burning red hot flames, thus causing a large cloud of smoke. The town began to smell of the burning wood and heat, when a ear piercing scream roared into the sky. The flames began to increase in size, as the wind began to pick up, causing the flame to dance out of control. The villagers stopped their attempts to put out the fire, and began to walk away, knowing their attempts to save the family were lost. “Selane,” a voice called through the breeze, as it twisted the fire in a new direction.

Within the walls of the old house were two older people trying to calm a younger girl. She was eight years old, yet very tall for her age. She had long radiant curly black hair, and dazzling green cat-like eyes, that were now shinning a neon green. Fire grew up her small dress, as the floor around her burned. She didn't seem to notice the fire on her dress, nor did it burn her skin, her focus was on the woman standing before her.

The female was twenty years older then the girl. She had long braided back brown hair, with eyes the pretty shade of hazel. She watched her baby with fear in her eyes, watching the fire touch her skin. Nixie, the little girl's mother called out, “Stop it,” her body shaking, as she tried to reach out to her, tears rolling down her charcoaled face.

The little girl was upset, she had been locked in that house for three months, because of her powers, the powers, she would never understand. Some would call it a gift, she was told, a gift she couldn't control, and it scared her family. So, out of fear, they tossed her in there, like an animal.

“Nixie, no, stay here,” said the male. He was fairly tall and a lot older than the woman was. He had long silver gray hair that had been tied back loosely. His gray eyes watched the young girl with eagerness; he knew how she felt for her anger and sadness ran through the flames. Sadness hit him, like a wave in the ocean crashing against the shore. His brows creased together from the feeling of it.

The young girl took a step towards the two. The floor where she stood continued to burn, as a new fire began where she stepped next. The flame was now dancing higher up her body as she stood there. The long black locks that went down to her backside caught fire as well. She looked at the two with anger, as she thought of how they could have done that to her. A tear caught fire as it fell from her eye onto the floor, burning right threw the wooden surface.

The fire that was burning on her body did not burn her or her clothing. The flames only tickled her skin, as if they were feathers brushing against her body. Finally, she looked down to see what the source of the tickling was. She was surprised to see that the fire was growing up her body. Her eyes opened in shock, as she wondered why it was not burning her like it was burning the building.

“Stop!” Nixie cried again. She tried to move forward to the girl, but the floor gave out underneath her. She fell down with a sudden scream but grabbed the ledge just in time to save herself. The fire around that part of the ledge where she had grabbed begun to burn her hand. She cried out, this time in pain, and then she looked down at the first floor and cried out again.

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