The Man of the Forest

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The Man of the Forest

When Audreana awoke she met with a familiar face, “Elijah!” she said with joy. She sat up, and felt that her wound was healed and she no longer felt the pain. She was amazed that she was healed and thankful that she was away from the place in her head. She smiled to show how joyful she was.

“Hello, child,” he whispered his blue eyes twinkled as he flipped the long grey braid over his shoulder. He smiled at her and she thought she was going to cry. “Don’t you cry,” he said, as if reading her mind. He, however, had seen the tears forming in her eyes. He saw the expression of sadness in her face.

“I thought…I thought…Oh god,” it was too late she had already started to cry, because she thought she had killed him too.

Elijah held her as she cried into his shoulder, “Child, it is alright. I’m here.”

When they pulled away, she saw Leland looking at her from the door. He wore a surprised expression as if she had risen from the dead. She smiled at him from beneath the tears, “It was you!” she said.

Leland looked at her with creased eyebrows. He came forward with his arms crossed, “What do you mean it was me?”

“You were the one who sat here and talked to me, and told me not to let go,” she smiled.

Leland also smiled shyly, “I couldn’t just let you waste away no could I? What kind of friend would I be?” he asked.

Audreana laughed, “A good one.”

Leland smiled bigger, “Yeah, Yeah,” he said walking forward. “I am just glad you are alright,” he said coming up to Elijah. “I don’t know how you did it, but thank you,” Leland said to the old man.

Elijah smiled, “Neither do I,” he smiled.

Audreana could only remember a little of what happened when she was trapped in her mind. She could remember Damek and what he told her, but she didn’t know what a Warrior Mage was, “It was magic,” declared Audreana, and all three of them smiled.

Aiden sat in his study, and thought of Audreana. The storms had long gone. Aiden had gotten a million complaints from the town’s people about the weather. Aiden only told them there was nothing he could do about it, but then it was just like the town’s people to complain about it. The town’s people loved to complain about anything even if they knew the King could not do anything about it. When the storm stopped Aiden knew that Audreana was better. He knew that it was time, and he heard a knock at his door, “Enter,” he called.

The King noticed the man at once; he had come to him many of times in the past. He had become familiar with the visits he had. He nodded. He was the old King of Elixir. He stood in front of the desk for a moment before he sat down.


“Aiden,” the man said. “You know why I’ve come.”

“I do,” Aiden whispered feeling sad.

“Then, I would like to thank you,” said Damek. Aiden looked at him with a sad smile, “I shall leave you now,” he said. He stood and smiled before he turned and walked out leaving Aiden sitting at his desk. He frowned.

It would be the last time that Damek would ever visit him, for he was coming to take back what he had left in Elixir. He was leaving with the only thing that brought joy to the town.

Leland frowned, as he watched Audreana and Elijah ride off on their horses. They were off to Raven, and Leland knew he’d never see them again. At least, when they did none of them would be the same. They’d be different people living different lives. He wondered if she would remember him. He knew that he would always remember her, for she made a lifelong impression on him. It made him sad because he had all the time in the world to miss her. The problem was that he didn’t want to miss her, because missing her hurt.

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