Warrior Mage

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Warrior Mage

Audreana grabbed an arrow from her sack that was attached to her back. She loaded the arrow, and shot with anger. The arrow went flying and hit the middle of the sack only fifty feet away. She smiled with satisfaction. It had been the first time that she had actually hit the target that far away, “That was a good shot,” said Troy who had just walked up from behind her. He was tall with shaggy blond hair and blue eyes. He was a courtier so she hardly ever saw him. He was always around the royal family to guide them. Troy and his family, however, stuck near the King where ever he went, Audreana had hardly ever saw the Troy.

Smiling she pulled out another arrow and placed it, “I know,” said Audreana with a cocky voice. She smiled wider, “But I am not the one to brag.”

“Oh yeah? I always thought of you as a lady. I guess you proved me wrong,” said the courtier with mirth in his voice. Slowly, he walked up to her and stood next to her. He looked worried. She wondered why that was but she didn’t have to think too long because Troy and Leland were good friends, so therefore he knew.

Audreana sighed deeply. She already knew where this was going, “So what is beautiful Troy doing so far away from royalty?” she paused, “Let me guess he told you too?”

Troy frowned and he wondered how she knew, “Come on Audreana we are all friends…” he paused. “You know you wouldn’t last long without us,” he joked.

Laughing softly, the young Dweller said, “Excuse me sir Troy, but I believe it is you and Sir Leland who would die without me,” she said angrily shooting another arrow that once again hit, but hit the edge the of the target.

Troy’s shoulders fell a bit allowing the young Dweller to know that her comment troubled him, “Audrey, you know that I was only making a joke,” he said softly almost so soft that it could have been taken as a whisper.

Again, Audreana sighed at the sound of her nickname. Hearing this gave the young woman grief. She remembered her dream with her brother. She knew that she had to go to him, “I know you were Troy, and I am sorry that I have to leave like this.”

She thought about how it would be if she would not go. She knew that she needed to go back, and back then when she had fled from the Raven, she knew that one day she would have to go back. As much as she wanted that back then, she didn’t want it that much now, for she feared that she would never see her friends in Elixir again. She wasn't ready yet to deal with what she had done, the guilt was way too much on her now, she could only image how she would feel there. She sighed, “You know that it is not something that I want to do. I would rather stay here with you guys than have to go back and face what I did.”

“I know Audrey, we both know,” said Troy.

Something happened then, a sharp quick pain hit her heart. She thought, however, that it was just her thinking of that night that she had run away from her hometown. It went away quickly and soon it was off her mind.

Troy had seen her make a face when the pain had hit her, “Audrey?” he asked.

“You know that I may not come back right?” she asked.

It wasn’t Troy who answered her though, “Why would you say that?” asked Leland’s voice from behind her.

Slowly, she turned to see Leland standing behind her with a questioned look on his face, “Oh, Leland,” Audreana moaned with sadness.

Leland moved forward to stand next to Troy who now had his arms crossed looking at her with a hint of a smile, “Why would you say that Audreana?” Leland asked again. Both him and Troy looking at her.

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