An Uneasy Foreboding

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An Uneasy Foreboding

Audreana walked to the stables on that cool morning, it was the morning of the mission; she wore her regular Dweller uniform, with her long sword on her left side, her bow strapped to her back her dagger on her left, and just in case she hid her throwing knives in her boots. Her long curly hair was braided back, so that none would fall out and get in her face as they rode. She could smell the cool morning; it smelled like rain. She frowned, knowing that it would rain later on that day. She looked up into the sky for any signs. The clouds weren’t too gray which meant the rain would hit before sun down. That gave them a whole days worth of riding before the rain would come, which meant it wouldn't slow them down.

Sighing at this, she opened the door to the stables. Rain was not something that she was looking forward to travel through, but it was something that she got used to. When you were constantly going out on missions, one would get used to the weather. It defiantly, was not pleasant, but a rider had to do what they had to do. Once, she was in the stables she walked over to Diamond’s stall and peeked her head over to see that Diamond was eating, “Hey there girl,” she said and Diamond’s head came up. She made a noise of joy at the sight of her. “Eat up, baby” she whispered with a smile, and Diamond made a noise in response.

Audreana reached her hand out and panted her neck, “I hope you slept well, because we have a long ride ahead of us,” Diamond looked over at her with her blue eyes than looked to the door.

Her eyes stayed there,and suddenly she became uneasy. She made a scared noise and began to buck at the back wall. Audreana looked over to the door, it was hanging open, and Audreana was sure that she had closed it behind her. No one was there, “Whoa, Diamond, honey there is no one there. Shhh…” she finally claimed the horse down when the stable door swung closed, scaring both Audreana and Diamond.

For a moment, Audreana stood there looking at the door in wonder, then, she walked over to it, and opened it back up. She looked around the outside, before she turned back to Diamond, “It's okay, girl, see no one is there,” she said, but instead of Diamond calming down, she started kicking at her door. Seeing this, Audreana went to walk over to her, with her hands raised up, trying to get her to stop, but something happened that made her turn around and look at the door again.

Standing there, was a younger man, he was tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He stood there and stared at Audreana, with a mischievous smile. It wouldn't have been scary if he wasn't almost completely see through. Audreana stood there and stared at him as well, she wasn't sure what to do, not to mention the fact that she couldn't rap her head around the thought of her standing in front of a ghost. He made a move, as if he was laughing, but Audreana couldn't hear anything but the wind. He turned away from her, took a step, and looked back at her, “In time,” he whispered. “You have no clue what you are up against.” His voice sounded, it was a familiar one, but Audreana couldn't take all of it in, she shook her head, and he was gone, made her wonder if he was even there to begin with.

Out by the gate, was where the group met. There were ten guards, six Dwellers, and two Elders. Elders were Dwellers that went through a difficult, life changing experience. However, not all Dwellers became Elders and some Dweller became Elders too early in life. Zada, the woman who was in her late thirties, and Vadin, the man was in his early forties. Both of them had been tortured and was made to watch their fellow Dweller being burned alive by the Bliss people who lived way in the south. They were not human’s nor were they animals. Although, they looked like humans they were far different. They had there own type of magic that allowed them to control the fire element. Vadin, Zada, and Xandy, the poor man who died on the mission, they were in the south to see what the Bliss’ were up to, for they had been disturbing the peace within the south.

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