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"you have to arrive at the town's basketball court at eleven-thirty sharp for a half-twelve throw in," the coach demanded

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"you have to arrive at the town's basketball court at eleven-thirty sharp for a half-twelve throw in," the coach demanded. the usually friendly and harmless man who had been close with each and every student, had become monstrous on the days running up to the final. "understood?"

a chorus of lazy 'yes's rang through the room.

"right," he mumbled, flicking through all the instructions that had been sent through by the league organisation. "that's all for today. you're dismissed to go to you're next class."

without so much as a 'thank you', the kids began dashing out of the room, wanting nothing more than to continue talking to the stressed man within.

"na...a word please?"

jaemin stopped in his tracks, sending yuta and two of his other teammates a forced grin, encouraging them to go on to class without him.

"you've been a bit, how do i say it?" he rubbed his stubble for a moment, thinking through how to phrase his concerns as the door clicked shut, leaving just the pair inside. "scattered?"

the student's breath hitched with nervousness at the mention of his recent 'scattered' behaviour, as the coach had called it.

"don't talk to me as your coach or a teacher. talk to me as a friend right now." he looked into the other's downcast gaze, seeing how they held such expression. "what's been bothering you?"

so many things! he wanted to yell. what wasn't wrong? he liked his best friend who surely didn't feel the same way. he hadn't found his soulmate, even though everyone else seemed to have. he was the captain of the school's most successful team in decades. but more than anything else, he was a normal teenage boy who couldn't seem to find his feet in the world, and his time until the end of his high school experience was ticking down rapidly.

"there's nothing wrong, sir," he insisted, showing a gorgeous smile to calm the older's worries. "just stressed about the match."

even though he wasn't convinced, the older dismissed the boy.

"will i see you for practice tomorrow?"

"of course."

• • •

as always, mark stood waiting outside the music classroom at the end of the day, his eyes scanning the crowds to find a certain brunette.

"aww," a voice cooed from behind the focused boy. "is that a lost puppy looking for jaemin?" ten pressed, snaking his arm around the taller's shoulder.

even though the halls were heaving with students who were preparing to go home, mark couldn't help but look around nervously, scared that the boy he had been searching for had heard.

"oh yeah...i'm not allowed to tell anyone about your big crush on na-" he was cut off when the younger threw his hand over ten's mouth, refusing to allow the school's 'gossip king' to spread a new rumour.

"shut up, would you?" mark hissed quickly. his eyes stayed wide and his palms becoming clammy with fear. "he is a strong believer in destiny matching us to our soulmates. if he found out that i like him..." he looked around, pulling his hand away from the squirming older. "it could end our friendship."

"well then," ten continued, his hand resting on mark's shoulder once again. "you can suffer in silence while regretting every moment of your life when that boy is swept off his feet." he leaned in closer, lips by mark's ear. "we don't all meet our soulmates." ten stepped away again, readjusting his tie before winking to his classmate and...friend? "it's a blessing if we do."

mark watched as the older strolled away, only turning back once to salute.

"don't forget to be in room thirty-seven at three tomorrow!" the thai student called back over the buzzing of the excited teens before his small frame disappeared altogether.

"sure thing," he mumbled with lacking enthusiasm, his heart aching at the thought of what ten had said. "maybe you're right-"


mark jumped, his heart speeding up erratically while his face became a bright shade of pink in utter embarrassment.

"i literally hate you so much, jaem," he chided, closing his eyes momentarily while holding his chest, right where his pounding heart was. "you scared the life out of me."

the younger only snickered at this before he looped his arm around the shorter's neck, dragging him along the rapidly emptying hallways, ready to get home.

"what were you talking to the student council president about?" he mumbled curiously, eyes wandering to the faces of random passing students.

while attempting to cover how flustered he had become, he choked out a quick excuse. "just about the council meeting tomorrow."

"class president mark." jaemin stopped for a second, looking his best friend up and down. "how sophisticated."

"so silly," the elder boy muttered with a not-so-subtle roll of the eyes. "let's get you home. you look exhausted."

"you can say that again."

𝗲𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂; markmin ᴮᴼᴼᴷ ᴼᴺᴱWhere stories live. Discover now