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"boys!" the coach boomed across the indoor basketball courts, echoing around the large area

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"boys!" the coach boomed across the indoor basketball courts, echoing around the large area. "the final is tomorrow!" his brow visibly creased with stress of the league final. "you will either be crowned the most elite basketball team in the high school league, or you can go home second place. i'd say the latter is worse, knowing that you were so close to success, yet still so far away."

the team stood in a straight line in front of the middle-aged man, sweat dripping off their physically drained bodies.

"we don't have time to mess around," he concluded, holding the basketball to his chest. "get to work again."

without anything more being said, the twelve players continued with the drills that had been set up.

sighing listlessly, mark followed a certain brunette with his eyes, finding the younger's beauty so captivating.

"damn," he whispered, running his fingers through his hair wearily, "you're perfect..." he slowly raised his hand to cover his left eye, knowing that he did have a soulmate out there, but for now he could admire jaemin.  

he blinked quickly, almost forgetting he was wearing a contact to hide his 'problematic feature', as many had called it.

he shrugged off the negative thoughts surrounding his soulmate link, and flicked his gaze back to the players again, noticing how they were now all taking shots at the hoop.

"go on jaem!" he yelled, earning a cute smile in return as the boy threw the ball up in the air. it circled the hoop, teasing the audience with its uncertain movements. soon enough, it tipped sideways, swooshing through the net with ease. "that's my boy."

jaemin's cheeks blazed a red colour at mark's words.

"you two are so into each other," yuta mumbled, taking a shot at the hoop next. "he followed the brunette to the back of the line, placing a comforting hand upon the shorter's shoulder. "why haven't you done anything about it?"

jaemin ignored his teammate, not knowing how to answer his questions without sounding like a fool.

"all i'm saying is that you two have this special dynamic; knowing what each other were feeling, thinking, wanting..."

"mark doesn't like me like that. besides," he whispered, tooth grazing his lip thoughtfully, "i'll find my soulmate someday, and they better be worth it."

after receiving no cheeky comment in return, jaemin quickly turned to face the older, watching as his once pretty coco eyes shone a sapphire colour. yuta's body was utterly frozen and his lips parted, gasping for air as if their wasn't enough of it.

"you seeing them again?" jaemin whispered, placing his basketball down on the floor so that he could properly care for his friend. yuta didn't respond, nor did he move. the taller simply stood frozen momentarily with furrowed brows.

soon enough, after jaemin calmly comforted him, yuta blinked out of his state, the blue dying down in his eyes at a slow pace.

"why did i get the most annoying link?" he hissed breathlessly, his eyes fluttering a few times to readjust. "i mean, seriously?"

only a sapphire haze was left visible in his eyes as the vision of his soulmate's location died down.

"i'm sure there's worse out there. some links can be painful, yuta. be glad yours isn't," jaemin mumbled while patting the taller's shoulder. he picked up both the basketballs and placed one by the vice captain's chest. "let's get this practice done with, yeah?"

yuta only nodded dismally in response as he bounced the ball lazily. "sure."

• • •

"and how did you get out of class this time?" jaemin tiredly let out as he changed out of his basketball gear and back into his school uniform.

"being the class president has its perks, i guess. i can do what i want, when i want. besides, you have one more practice before the big match...how are you feeling about that?"

the shorter leaned forward after pulling his jumper over his head, and rested his forehead against mark's shoulder, wanting nothing more than the security that the older's presence brought.


mark wrapped his arms around the shorter's back, pulling him in close. he raised one hand to play with the half-asleep teen's hair gently. "i have a student council meeting now...but we can get some ice-cream after school if you want?" he offered, still holding the drained student.

the rest of the players had already headed back to their own classes after their randomly scheduled practice, leaving the two friends to themselves.

"cookie dough ice-cream?" jaemin hoarsely whispered, finally relaxed in the embrace after the pent-up stress.

"cookie dough ice-cream it is."

𝗲𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂; markmin ᴮᴼᴼᴷ ᴼᴺᴱWhere stories live. Discover now