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Once Dream was back home from the shops he took his shoes off and threw them in the corner of the hallway. He then placed the bags of food on the table and started to organise and place the food all where they are supposed to go.

While he was un-packing the bags his phone started to vibrate. Dream placed down the coke cans and walked up to his phone only to see Sapnap was calling him. So of course he picked up the phone.

"Hey sapnap!" Dream says,

"Hi dream, what are you doing?" Sapnap asks.

"I'm just putting my groceries away, why?" Dream says,

"Ok its just me, quackity, Karl and George are about to play the horror game in like 10 mins if you want to join! George is streaming on his account" Sapnap says.

"Ye sure I'll join in 5 minutes" Dream says,

"Great we will be on V2" Sapnap says.

"Ok cool bye" Dream says while hanging up,

Once Dream leaves the call he puts his final bits in the fridge and walks to his pc to set everything up.

After setting everything up he sits himself down and joins the discord call,

"Hi guys!" Dream says,

"Hey dream" all the boys says together.

"Ok guys I'm going to go live now so don't say anything stupid" George says,

"Ye that's more aimed at you dream 'cough' dnf 'cough'" quackity says while laughing.

"Shut up you twat" Dream says,

"Hey chat!! How are we all doing" George says to his live.

"Hey George's live, it's me your favourite Person" Karl says while laughing,

"Oi chat are you cheating on me?" Sapnap says while pretending to be sad.

All the boys laugh,

"Anyway! Today me, Dream, Sapnap, Karl and Quackity are going to be playing a horror game!" George says.

"OOOOOH SCARY" quackity yells,

"Ok ok are you guys ready?" George asks,

"YES GEORGE" sapnap yells.

As all the boys laugh they all load into the game,

"Alright, ready? ready? let's go! Come on" quackity says.

"It's already 2 am?!?!" Karl says,

George sighs "I don't really like this"

"Oh my god don't cry about it" quackity says.

"I really don't like this" George says while laughing,

Karl starts to laugh..

"Karl.. Karl" quackity says,

"You seem nervous George" Dream says trying to hold back his laughter.

"This is ridiculous! This is ridiculous, come on" George says,

"What are you so afraid of?" Dream asks,

"Just loosen up" Karl says while laughing.

"This is so scary" George says sarcastically,

Quackity starts taunting George..

"Is it really that scary to you George" dream says laughing,

"What are you doing quackity" Karl asks,

"Stop, stop, stop" quackity says,

"Bro I'm like kinda scared" sapnap says.

My hook // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now