Hey Dream

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It was the night before George's big travel, to Florida. He was so exited to see everyone including Fundy...

It was kind of unexpected to hear that Fundy was in Florida, but that didn't change the fact that all the boys were exited.

While George was thinking through all the memories and fun times he was going to make he heard a notification come from his phone.




What you doing

Nothing wbu

Ye nothing either
Wanna call?


Dream started call

"GEORGE" dream yelled,

"DREAM" George yelled back,

"YOUR COMING TOMORROW" dream yelled.

"YES I AM!" George yelled once again,

"Holy moly IMM soooo EXITED" dream says.

"Sameee" George says exaggerating the 'e',

"Have you got everything packed, like clothes and your guitar" dream asks.

"Yes yes" George says,

"Great! I still haven't got the fact your going to sing to me" dream says.

Great, just great.
Not only was George nervous to meet Dream, he also had to sing in-front of him.

"Ye I guess" George says while sighing,

"Oh come on it will be fun!" Dream says.

"I know, but still" George says,

"Come on I'm going to love it" dream says.

"Sure" George says,

(Fast forward to 2 hours)

"Anyway isn't it like 11pm for you?" Dreams asks, but he gets no response.


"Are you asleep?"

Dream could hear George snoring lightly,


"Wait no"

"Ye I should stop talking um"


Dream was blushing heavily as he ended the call...

What if he heard you Dream
Was he awake
He is your best friend..

While Dream was over thinking, he closes his eyes and falls into a deep sleep.



Today was the day, the day the feral boys meet, the day George see's dream, the day Dream hears George sing. Sadly.

As George opened his eyes, he turned to face his phone and turned the alarm off.
He then checked the time only to realise it was 5:00 am..

"Shit I have to leave soon" George says while getting out of bed,

George brushed his teeth and picked out some clothes, he decided to wear grey joggers and Dreams merch hoodie since he wanted to be comfortable on the plane.

Since yesterday George put all his luggage in the car, all he had to do was grab his guitar and lock up his house..

"Goodbye house see you in a month I guess!" George says aloud hoping no one saw.

He then carried himself into the car and started to drive off..

While driving George decided to put on the radio, as he was listening the song 'heatwaves' began to play. It was his and Dreams song..

George began to sing along to the song only to realise he was at the airport,

Since it was 6:30 am and the plane doesn't leave till 7:30 he decided to go to McDonald's to grab something quick to eat.

While George ate his pancakes, he began to feel tempted to text Dream but didn't because he didn't want to disturb him from his sleep..


"Flight to Florida leaving in 10 minutes"

Once George heard that he immediately grabbed his things and walked towards the entrance.

"Hello! Here is my ticket" George says passing his ticket to the lady,

"Thankyou sir!! Ok you may get on" the lady says while passing the ticket back but with a hole in it this time.

As George sat down onto the plane, he looked around to find the nearest charging spot for his phone, once he found it he plugged in his phone and began to text dream.


I'm on the planeeeeeeeeEEEEEE


I will be there in around 7 hours

Ok! Text me 30 minutes prior

Ye ye


Dream was stressed out, his house was a mess, and the guest rooms weren't tidy..

Only George was coming today and the rest where coming on Friday, but dream wanted to spend as much time with George as possible so he wanted to get everything out the way..

Dream went from room to room, mopping, and cleaning, spraying a nice vanilla spray around.

About 2 hours past when he checked his phone, as he checked the time he saw that George has text him 10 minutes ago saying that he was going to land soon.

So he quickly grabbed his keys and drove to the airport, Dream was so exited. He was finally going to be able to see his bestfriend, his crush.

While driving his thought began to consume him....

What if he finds you ugly,
He doesn't like u

Dream tried to block them by playing some songs, but heatwaves began to play.

Everyone knew that was his and George's song.

Around another 10 minutes passed until he was at the airport, he pulled out his phone and called George hoping he was off the plane.

As he pressed the call button someone tapped his back..




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