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"So what are we going to do tomorrow when everyone arrives" George says,

"Maybe we could relax because of the jet lag" sapnap says.

"Yes! Dream?" George says,

Dream didn't reply as he was too busy on his phone.. texting someone.

"Dream!" Sapnap says,

"Oh shit sorry ye?" Dream says.

"What are you doing?" George says,

"Texting Fundy cause we might be going out today!" Dream says, smiling.

"Cool where you going" sapnap says,

"Movies" dream says.

"Are me and George invited?" Sapnap says, hoping for the answer yes.

"I'm really sorry but Fundy just told me yesterday and he only got 2 tickets" Dream says, awkwardly laughing.

"That's fine me and sapnap were going to do something today anyway" George says,

"Are we?" Sapnap says, knowing full well they weren't doing anything.

"Yea remember!" George says while winking at him,

"Oh shit ye we were going to go to the skate park!" Sapnap says.

George looked over at Sapnap with a confused face as he didn't have a skateboard..

"Oh ok! Well I'm going to go get ready" Dream say while walking out the room,

"Ye right ok" George says,

Once dream was out of sight George put all his attention to Sapnap.

"Dude what the fuck I don't know how to skate" George says,

"Let's ignore that, can we just talk out Fundy and Dream" sapnap says.

"Ye right what is up with them at the moment" George says,

"I don't know all they do is text, call and meet up and it's only been 3 days" sapnap says.

"Lets just try and ignore us as quackity and Karl are coming over tomorrow" George says,

"Your right, let's go get ready to go to the 'skate park'" sapnap says.

"Do you even have skateboards?" George says.

"Dream has three" sapnap says,

"Ok well imma go get dressed" George says.

"Yup ok" sapnap says while watching as George walked up the stairs,

Once George got into his room he managed to shove on a pair of black joggers and hoodie, he then went into the bathroom and fixed up his hair and washed his face..

"Guys I'm leaving now text me if you need anything!!" Dream says, shouting from the bottom of the stairs,

"Bye!" George shouts following by Sapnap.

As Dream got into his car he began to play the radio and sink into the songs,

'Crimewaves' started to play..

Over another 5 minutes passed until Dream pulled up to the destination where Fundy and him where meant to meet,

And there he was, standing there on his phone waiting for Dream..

Dream pulled up his car into a parking space and started to walk up to Fundy, once he reached Fundy, Fundy pulled Dream into a big warm hug..

"Hello!!" Fundy said,

"Hi! So should we go inside" Dream said.

"Yup!!" Fundy said,

While walking into the movies, Fundy reached his hand down to Dream hand. Holding it..

Dream being Dream didn't want to be mean so he carried on holding it.

While in the movies Dream and Fundy had a bucket of popcorn in the middle of them..

Dream reached down into the bucket and so did Fundy leaving Fundys hand on top of Dreams. Dream was shocked as it brung memories of the first night with George, the way their hands touched..

Dream immediately pulled away, acting like he didn't realise what happened,

The movie was around 1 hour long until it ended and Fundy and Dream walked out.

"I have a place to take you" Fundy said,

"A place? Sounds kinda sus" dream says.

"Shutup you idiot come on!" Fundy said while grabbing Dreams hand and walking off..


"George stop fucking being a pussy and go down the ramp" sapnap says,

"Sapnap I can't" George says, laughing.

"I'll show you again" sapnap says while getting ready to skate down the ramp..

(Also guys I'm in such an embarrassment cause I skated down a ramp but I fell and people looked at me😰)

Then sapnap skated down perfectly,

"Fine fine but if I get hurt it's your fault" George says.

"Ok ok" sapnap says,

George then pushed off and skated down..

But while skating he fell off landing funny on his ankle,


"Your fine let me see your ankle" Sapnap says secretly worried,

George then lifted up his joggers only to see his ankle all bruised up..

"Ok ok let me call Dream to get us picked up, we might need to get this checked out" sapnap said while grabbing his phone,

One call led to another.

He didn't pick up...


Dude pick up
George is seriously hurt
I think he fractured his ankle
pick us up
Dude stop snogging Fundy

Dream never answered..

"We have to call a taxi driver" sapnap said,

"Ok hurry my ankle fucking hurts you cunt" George says...


"Tada" Fundy says,

Fundy had took dream to an amazing field full of flowers..

"This is incredible!" Dream says.

"Not as incredible as you" Fundy says,

Fundy then placed his hands on Dreams cheeks and whispered into his ear..

"May I?" Fundy asked,

Dream nodded his head so Fundy would have the signal that it was ok.

Fundy pulled Dream into a kiss..

But the problem is..

Dream loved it.




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