Their kiss

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It was the next morning, and everyone was awake downstairs.

They all sat on the sofa, with all the luggage they brought in front of them..

Except for Fundy..

As it turns out Fundy bought extra long tickets so god knows when he is coming home.

Everyone tried to forget about what happened with the whole sickness thing yesterday but it stuck to Dreams mind..

"Why did that happen"dream thought.

Every second of every minute..

Just repeat..

"Ok guys we should get going to the airport" dream said grabbing some luggage for Sapnap,

"Imma stay here I'm tired" Fundy said.

"Ok bye love you" dream said, cringing..

All the boys cringed and said there goodbyes to Fundy...

They then put the rest of their luggage in the car and began to drive off.

The car ride was silent, not a comfortable but an uncomfortable, awkward one.

The only thing keeping all the boys alive at the moment was the music in the car,

"Oh um George?" Dream asked.

"Yes?" George said, confused and scared,

"You know that song you made, you should publish it!" Dream said.

George felt uncomfortable as he thought no one else knew..

"Yeah George your really good at singing" Sapnap said,

"Wait you sing, and write" Karl said.

"HUH" quackity shouted..

George felt embarrassed..

"Oh no i don't" George said,

"Oh come on" dream said.

"Well I do but like I don't know" George said,

"We need to hear you" quackity said.

"Another time because we are at the airport" George said relieved..

Another 3 minutes went by until dream finally found a parking spot..

"My flight is in 15 minutes so I need to go" Sapnap said, getting out the car..

"Right" dream said,

All the boys got out the car and helped get Sapnaps bags from the back of the car.

"Thanks guys" Sapnap said,

"It's ok man, we will see each other soon" dream said patting his back..

"We will all see each other" quackity said,

"Of course" Sapnap said.

"Bye Sapnap make sure to message me when your safe" George said hugging him,

"Yeah yeah mum" Sapnap said, laughing.

All the boys laughed along except Karl..

"Karl can I talk to you over there" Sapnap said.

"Yup" Karl said, voice almost cracking..

All the other boys took it as a hint to walk away, so they did..

Then in that moment it was only Sapnap and Karl, standing face to face..

They stood quietly for 1 minute until Karl just all of a sudden started to cry..

"Hey hey hey it's ok" Sapnap said, grabbing Karl's face and hands,

"I'm going to miss you" Karl said, shaking.

"I know and i will miss you too, but we can always call and text and we will see each other again soon" Sapnap said..

As much as Sapnap tried to help, Karl wouldn't stop crying and calm down.

So Sapnap brought Karl into a hug..

Karl smelt like melted, warm toffee and Sapnap smell like fresh coconuts..

Sapnap places one of his hands around Karl's waist and other hand in Karl's hair.

The hug lasted around 1 minute until Karl pulled away and looked at Sapnap..

The look was intense, almost as if they were about to ki-

Yup you guessed it, they kissed...

Karl's soft lips connected with Sapnaps leaving fire works and butterflies to go off in their stomachs..

Sapnap then pulled away and looked at all the boys, they were clapping..

Sapnap then looked back at Karl and smiled into another kiss.

The kiss lasted 20 seconds until Karl pulled away, laughing..

"I love you" Karl said,

"I love you too"


Around 2 hours past and everyone had left except George, though his plane was about to land..

While dream and George waited they got coffee and just hung around..

George didn't think dream cared about him leaving, except he saw a tear going down Dreams face, entering his mouth..

(I love salty tears, UGH. They be bussin bussin)

"Dream?" George said,

"Yes" dream said, coughing.

"Oh dream" George said, pulling dream into a tight, warming hug..

"Don't go" dream said..

Dream loved the feeling of George, he wanted George not Fundy..

Dream doesn't know what he is thinking..

Why date Fundy when he wants to date George

"I don't want to, but I have too" George said, very calmly.

"I'll be lonely" dream said,

"Fundy is with you? Isn't he" George said.

"Yeah but he isn't you" dream said, sniffling,

"It's going to be ok, we will see each other really soon" George said.

"You promise?" Dream said,

"Promise" George said.

Dream then pulled George into one last hug before letting go..

"You should get to your flight, you don't want to miss it" Dream said,

"Your right" George said.

George then grabbed his luggage and began to walk away..

"Love you gogy" dream said laughing.

"Shut up" George said, nervously laughing..

Once George reaches the escalator he looked back and dream..

"Love you too dream" George said quietly...


Thankyou for 70k reads i love you all so much <333

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