Yes, i fucked him

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It was around 8 in the morning and everyone was asleep..

Sapnap and Karl were asleep on the couch,

Quackity was asleep on the sofa in Dreams small room,

And George and dream were asleep in the same bed..

Everyone was asleep until dream woke up only to feel a weight on his stomach, it was George.

He was laying on top of Dreams chest with there hands inter-locked.

Dream knew George was obviously comfortable so he left George in that position and just stared at him in awe..

Dream then felt George move about so he came to the realisation that he was he was waking up. So dream closed his eyes slightly so George would think he was asleep...

George then opened his eyes only to realise he was cuddling on-top of dream but he didn't bother to move, he just laid there and stared at Dreams gorgeous sleeping face.

He stayed like that for another two minutes until dream opened his eyes...

Dream and George both look into each others eyes for a split second before Dream let go of his hand and George got off.

"Dream omg I'm so sorry" George said, while sitting up on the bed,

"George, George don't worry it's fine, what's the time" Dream asked.

George's face started to blush at the fact that he cuddled with his crush..

"It's half 8" George said,

"It's so early go back to sleep for a bit more" dream said while closing his eyes.

"Ye ok" George said while laying back down and closing his eyes,

Another 10 minutes passed and George couldn't sleep, he prayed he could cuddle with dream once again...

George kept moving and shuffling about until something grabbed his waist and pulled him close to a warm body..

It was dream,

"Stop moving about" dream said with a deep, croaky voice.

"Right" George said,

George head was buried in Dreams chest and his legs were inter-wined with Dreams..

The brunette loved it even thought he knows all this is wrong...


"And snap" quackity says while taking a picture of George and dream,

George and dream both hear quackity and they both shoot up from the bed.

"DELETE IT" George yells making sapnap and Karl wake up..

"No I'm ok" quackity says, laughing,

"Quackity!" Dream yells.

All three boys start laughing until sapnap and Karl walk into the room..

"What is going on?" Sapnap said,

"Why are you all laughing" Karl said.

All three boys started to laugh again as they all got flashbacks from the previous night..

"I took a pic of dream and George in bed" quackity says while showing them,

"Fuck you" George says while getting up.

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