Its official

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TW- throwing up
Sorry in advance

It was the last day all the boys were together, until they part...

The last couple weeks went great, except every time George had the chance he would over think the fact dream supposedly likes him.

George doesn't know for sure thought since all the activity's that dream and Fundy have been doing..

They would always hang out..

Whatever all the boys did dream would go ahead and invite Fundy,

And they would always go upstairs and sleep the night, the same room, probably same bed..

So what was George to dream?

Maybe the diary meant it as in George was just a under study for just in case something happens and dream needs physical love,

Or maybe the dairy was true feelings...

Or maybe-

George's head reached its limit of over thinking as Fundy began to talk...

"Guys?" Fundy said,

Everyone turned there heads away from the tv facing dream and Fundy who appear to be on the same sofa, very close..

"Yes?" George said.

"Me and dream need to say something" Fundy said, smiling,

"Please don't be what I think it is" George thought in his head..

"Go on?" Quackity said,

"Ok ok" dream said, nervously laughing.

Quackity, George, Karl and Sapnap all looked at each other, confused..

"Me and Fundy are dat-" dream got cut off by George..

George knew exactly what dream was about to say, so he coughed..

He wanted to make everyone distracted From the talk that happened,

George wanted it to be as if it didn't happen.

As George carried on coughing, the fakeness of the coughs began to turn to real forceful coughs, he couldn't breath..

"George?" Karl said,

George carried on coughing, he couldn't stop.

"It's ok, calm" quackity said,

"Is he ok" dream asked.

"Does he fucking look ok?!?!?" Sapnap snapped,

"Omg take him to the bathroom!!" Fundy yelled out.

George quickly got up and ran to the toilet, throwing up..

"Holy shit" Sapnap said,

All the boys crammed the hall way to the bathroom where George was.

"Everyone give him space" Karl said,

"Come on guys let's go back downstairs leave Karl here" Fundy said.

"Good idea" dream said,

Everyone went downstairs except Karl.

Once everyone was downstairs George lifted his head up to talk to Karl..

"Great idea Fundy!" George mocked,

"George what happened" Karl asked.

"Don't you get it? I love him Karl, it's not even a secret anymore" George said,

"George but he is wit-" Karl said, getting cut off by George.

"Yes Karl I know" George said.

"He is happy" Karl said,

"Is he really though" George said.

"I don't know" Karl said, so quiet it was as if he wasn't speaking at all,

"Just go downstairs with Sapnap and everyone" George said.

"What about you?" Karl said,

"I just got told dream, Fucking dream, is dating Fundy, leave me alone" George said getting up.

"Right, just trying to help" Karl said walking away from George..

While walking down the stairs Karl began to feel bad, George didn't deserve this..

"Where is George?" Sapnap asked,

"Why are you helping him" Fundy said,

"Because Fundy he doesn't want help as he is a fucking grown ass man, if you think he needs help get your ass up and help him" Karl stammered going back upstairs.

"What got into you" quackity asked,

"Everything" Karl said opening his door and slamming it behind him...

Karl was pissed, if you couldn't tell..

"Well that's a great way to end the holiday" dream said,

"Yup, wanna watch a different movie now" Sapnap said.

"Yeah" Fundy said,

"Oh and congrats on the relationship" Sapnap said, pretend clapping..

Even though Sapnap seemed fine about it he was secretly pissed aswell,

It's supposed to be dnf...


About another 3 hours go by and everyone decides to go to sleep, except Sapnap..

He couldn't sleep..

Ever since he got the news of the 2 boys dating he couldn't get it out his mind, not the fact he was pissed, just the fact he wanted Karl...

Sapnap kept over thinking the whole situation until he found himself at Karls door to his room, so he knocked..

"Yeah?" Karl said,

" it's Sapnap can I come in?" Sapnap asked.

"Of course" Karl said.

Karl was happy,

Sapnap slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Are you ok?" Karl asked.

"I can't sleep it's too hot in my room"Sapnap said, lying.

"Oh it's cold in here you can sleep in my bed on that side" Karl said pointing to the left side,

"Ok" Sapnap said while getting in bed.

He was uncomfortable until he moved about and found a comfortable position..

Another 10 minutes passed and Sapnap managed to move out his comfort spot so he kept moving and moving..

5 minutes of moving went on until Karl spoke.

"Jesus Sapnap" Karl said grabbing Sapnap close to his and leaning his head on Sapnaps chest, interlocking hands..

"Comfy?" Karl asked,

"Very" Sapnap whispered.

He was very comfy..

Sapnap then managed to fall asleep straight after, he just wishes this wasn't his last night..


Omfg I'm so so so sorry I haven't uploaded imma try and upload a lot.

I've been focusing on my mental health for the past week and it has really been helping so bare with me!

If I do go un-active for a while don't worry because I will be probably be focusing on my mental health <3

I hope you understand and i love you all so much :)

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