Why not me?

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1 hour went by and George sat there in the hospital bed while the doctors bandaged his fractured foot..

"Has dream not replied" George says, looking down to the floor,

"No I'm so sorry George I shouldn-" sapnap says but get cut off.

"Shhh please I just want this over so I can be ready for Karl and quackity tomorrow" George says,

"Ok ok, wait Dreams calling me" sapnap says while stepping out the room.

"Is George ok? I'm so sorry, where is he? Where are you guys?" Dream says frantically,

"Where the fuck are YOU dream!" Sapnap says.

"Look me and Fundy were doing something" Dream says,

"Ye let me guess, kissing" sapnap says.

"Let me exp-" Dream gets cut off,

"Dream I couldn't care less but your best friend is in the fucking hospital, and we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you making plans without me and George" sapnap says.

"What?" Dream says,

What did sapnap mean by that?

"Just hurry up we are at the hospital near your house" sapnap says whiling hanging up the phone and walking back to George.

"What did he say?" George asked,

"Oh it doesn't matter he is coming thoug-" sapnap says but gets cut off by one of the doctors.

"I'm so so sorry to interrupt but we need to help place back this area here so we are going to put you to sleep for a couple hours" the doctor said,

"Yes anything" George says.

The doctor then makes george fall asleep and asks sapnap to leave the room, once sapnap left the room Dream walks in..

"Why are you out here?" Dream asked,

"They have put George to rest while they do something on his foot" Sapnap says, not even bothering to look at Dream.

"Dude what did I even do wrong?" Dream asked..

"If you didn't make fucking plans without me and George today this wouldn't of happening" sapnap mumbled,

"But you guys were going out anyway" dream says looking at sapnap.

"Dream, George made that up so we didn't seem left out" sapnap says,

"Oh" dream says.

While sitting there in silence for another 10 minutes a doctor came out of George's room and walked up to them..

"Hello are you friends with the patient George?" The doctor says,

"Yes! Is he ok?" Sapnap asked.

"Yes, he is still asleep but you can go on in now" the doctor said,

"Thankyou" dream says while walking into George's room and sitting down, followed by Sapnap..

Dream and Sapnap thought George was asleep yet they didn't know George was actually awake just to lazy to talk and open his eyes..

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