Dear google, am i gay?

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It was the first proper night with George, and dream just laid on his bed..

He couldn't stop thinking of the song George had made, the way his lips parted while concentrating, the way he smiled when Dream smiled, the way the song may have a meaning.

Dream couldn't get over the line,

I dream of you almost every night..

Did it link with Dream?
Or was Dream being over dramatic?

It wasn't like George to just create a song and write that particular line in it, or was it?

While Dream was overthinking he heard a knock at his door..

"Are you awake?" George says from the other side of the door,

"Yes come in" dream said.

As George came into the room he walked up to Dream..

"I couldn't sleep it's wayyyy to hot here" George says exaggerating the 'y',

"Same, do you wanna watch a movie downstairs?" Dream asked.

"Sure ok" George says walking back out the room and walking down the stairs,

While Dream rubbed his eyes he forces himself out of bed and followed George down the stairs...

Once they were both in the living room, George sat on the left side of the couch and Dream sat the right side.

"So what do you wanna watch" dream asked,

"I don't mind really is there anything you have in mind?" George replied with.

"I've heard of this movie called 'maze runner' if you wanna watch? Apparently there is 3" dream says,

"Yeah ok!" George says, cuddling up to the side of the couch.

"Do you want me to get you a blanket?" Dream asked,

George shook his head but Dream still got up to get a blanket..

"I said no you idiot" George laughed,

"I know and I don't care" dream says back.

Dream then brought over the blanket followed by with a small bowl of popcorn..

"Here" dream says while gently placing the blanket on George,

"Thankyou" George says while taking a piece of popcorn out the bowl and eating it.

It was probably around 20 minutes into the movie when dream spoke up..

"So George I was thinking you should sign up to sing somewhere or something cause your voice is amazing" dream says,

"I don't know really" George says, slightly blushing.

"Just think about it, cause god your amazing" dream says...

"Thankyou dream I appreciate it" George says but this time blushing like mad,

Another 20 minutes passed and George placed his hand into the bowl of popcorn, but something hard touches his hand..

Dreams hand..

Dreams hand laid on top of George's hand for around 10 seconds until Dream pulled away, but George didn't want Dream to pull away for some reason..

"Oh I'm so sorry" dream says, slightly blushing, just so George wouldn't notice.

"no no don't worry" George says laughing,

As before another 20 minutes passed, but this time an awkward silence..

However George decides to break it..

"Fundy text me earlier!" George says,

"Ooh saying what?" Dream asked.

"Would we want to meet tomorrow" George says smiling,

"Ye I don't mind, what time" dream says.

"Around 2pm" George says,

"Yeah perfect" dream says.

"Then when all the feral boys come we could meet again!" George says,

"Yes!!" Dream says.

Secretly dream just wanted to spend time with George while no one else was there, but he wanted to George to be happy, and he didn't want to be selfish...


Once the film finished Dream and George both parted ways to there rooms,

As George laid down onto his bed he started to get butterflies from just the thought of his hand touching Dreams..

Although he wasn't gay..

Even though Dream was bi-sexual that doesn't mean George could have a crush on him.

I mean if George wasn't gay he wouldn't be thinking about this?

Or would he??

George slowly got up from his bed and made his way over to his laptop, once he turned his laptop on he quickly turned the light down, for his eyes, and turned the volume down, so if any video played it wouldn't awake Dream..

He then rubbed his eyes and loaded up google, George then went to the search bar and typed in, 'am I gay?'

George then pressed enter and immediately felt stupid..

So he grabbed his phone and dialled a contact of someone he trusts,

"Hey George! What's up? It's 2:00 am for you isn't it?" A familiar voice said.

"Hi Eret, sorry to bother you I just have a question" George mumbled loud enough for Eret to hear,

"Of course go ahead" Eret said.

"You can't tell anyone please" George said knowing Eret would understand,

"I won't George trust me" Eret said.

"How did you know you were bi-sexual?" George asked,

"You just kind of know, you know. How I knew is I just kinda found guys as attractive as girls" Eret said.

"Ok well I searched up in Google am I gay" George said, embarrassed,

"George if you were straight would you really search that?" Eret said.

"No" George mumbled,

"Well there is your answer, maybe talk to Dream about it" Eret suggested.

"Maybe, well thankyou for helping me I appreciate it" George said,

"It's ok now get some sleep silly!!" Eret laughed.

"Ye ye bye" George said,

"Bye!" Eret said back.

Once the two boys end the call George gets back into bed and closes both his eyes,

Not thinking of what his future holds...




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