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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains an anxiety attack, if you are not comfortable with reading that then please skip to the marker ( |━━☆━━| ). Please keep in mind that the marker is at the very end of the attack and may still be mentioned throughout the chapter.

Please don't read this if you are not comfortable or think that it may be triggering, I will include a small recap after the marker. Stay safe peoples <3

May 23rd 2024 (Thursday)

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May 23rd 2024 (Thursday)

A month had passed since Finnley first met Tommy and Tubbo and it was safe to say that they had all become very close friends. Especially Tommy and Finnley, since a) Tubbo had Ranboo and b) Tubbo low key shipped the two and didn't want to interfere but also that the two just seemed to gel in an unexplainable way.

She had briefly been in a few of his streams, mainly when Tommy would randomly call her after his chat had been begging for her, or when he wanted her opinion on something. Most of the fandom knew about her, they didn't know much about her but they saw that she made Tommy smile so most of them appreciated her for that.

And Finnley had been doing well recently. Her mental health was very up and down, she had good periods and then really bad periods. With moving into her new apartment, all alone, in a new place, she had prepared to go through an incredibly rough patch but Tommy and Tubbo had distracted her from it, unintentionally.

But today after she got home from work, it all kind of crashed down on her. Currently, she was in her bathroom, hands on the counter and staring at herself in the mirror, an unexplainable amount of negative thoughts swirling in her head. They were always there, in the background. But not now, they were very much in the foreground of her mind.


Her phone began to ring from where it lay on the counter in front of her, she glanced at it seeing that Tommy was calling her. She walked back a few paces until her back hit the wall next to the door and slid down it, pulling her knees to her chest, holding her head in her hands as the tears began to flow.

She hated how much it always built up, the oncoming of an anxiety attack. For her at least they always seemed to be there right throughout the day, making the entire day a chore until she was so exhausted that she couldn't hold it in anymore.

And that call from Tommy had been the tipping point. She had never really had someone who actually fully cared about her well-being as he did. He always contacted her in the morning, seeing what she was up to and whether she was feeling okay, then if she had nothing on, he'd call or facetime her. They'd keep each other company.

But Finnley couldn't help but feel like a burden. Like she didn't deserve the time out of his day. Surely he had more important and fun people to talk to.  It was thoughts like this that invaded her mind as she struggled to get air into her lungs.

[✓] Finnley Reed - Neighbour (TommyInnit)Where stories live. Discover now