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June 1st 2024 (Saturday)

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June 1st 2024 (Saturday)

Tubbo, Tommy and Finnley were all sat around the island bench discussing what they were going to do with their day. The three were stuck on whether to stay at home again or go out and do something, Finnley coming over, had become a regular occurrence.

"How bout we go to the park", Tubbo announced and Finn perked up at the idea, "we could make a picnic!". Tommy's eyes widened and he grinned along with Tubbo, "that's a great idea!". The three proceeded to plan their day out, deciding that they would cut up some fruit to bring along as a snack and a thermos of tea because they are indeed bri'ish.

It wasn't long before the three were out the door, making their way to the local park, Finnley skipping ahead of the two, glad to be outside and in the *sunshine*. Soon Tommy joined her and the two ran ahead of Tubbo who was just glad that Finnley was feeling better after last week and Tommy had found someone who complimented his personality so perfectly.

The journey to the park was an eventful one in itself, with the group stopping a multitude of different times for an assortment of reasons. The first being when Finnley spotted a cat that she absolutely had to pat.

The only issue being that the cat was up on a window sill, but with the help of Tommy, she managed to reach up to it and achieved her goal of patting the cat which leaned into her touch, happy to receive the attention and free affection.

The second being when Finnley stopped the three in the middle of the road they were walking on to take a photo of their shadows, claiming that it was for Instagram and that the fans need more content with the three of them together.

The third time was when Tubbo had enough of their quote, unquote, 'flerting' and laid himself gently down onto a hedge. Announcing that it was his death bed, he lay there for a while whilst Finnley took a picture of him and laughed whilst Tommy tried to encourage him to get up off of the neatly trimmed hedge.

Finally, the three arrived at the small park and found a spot to lay out their picnic. "Finnley this was a really good idea!" Tubbo said as he popped a grape into his mouth and grinned at her. She nodded, "yeah I'm enjoying it, it's such a vibe". Tommy hummed in agreement.

The three chatted about random nonsense for a while. "Oh yeah! Finnley I forgot to tell you", Finnley sat up from where she was laying and watching the clouds and looked at Tubbo. "Ranboo's coming to stay with us for a little while! He wants to test out what living here is like, he's thinking about moving here since he's now finished with all his studying and other stuff which was keeping him in the US".

"That's so cool! I can't wait to meet him. When is he coming? Do you have any plans?" Finnley was grinning at Tubbo, but it was Tommy who answered. "He's coming at the end of June, we have a few meet-ups and such planned but mainly just going with the flow" it was evident that Tommy was also excited that one of his close friends was coming to stay with them.

[✓] Finnley Reed - Neighbour (TommyInnit)Where stories live. Discover now