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June 17th 2024 (Monday)

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June 17th 2024 (Monday)


Finnley @FishFinn_gers • 2m

On a train... social anxiety go brrrrr, lol

 social anxiety go brrrrr, lol

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tommy @ tommyaltinnit
I'm calling, pick up

User10 @User10
Awww Tommy

Finnley @FishFinn_gers
Okay, mum <3


Ranbalt @ranaltboo
you and I think the same Finn


dream @dreamwastaken
I sent you more pictures of patches to distract you <3

Finnley @FishFinn_gers
Yes! Score! :)


Ph1LzA @Ph1LzA
I think some Lovejoy will help

Finnley @FishFinn_gers
I couldn't agree more Dadza :)

tommy @tommyaltinnit
Wilby would be proud


Tubbo @TubboLive
There's hot chocolate waiting for you when you get home :)

Finnley @FishFinn_gers
Thank you Tubbo <3

Finnley answered the facetime smiling as Tommy's voice rang in her ears, he had his camera off, "Hey Finn how are you?" he asked softly, she hadn't been joking about the social anxiety and he knew it

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Finnley answered the facetime smiling as Tommy's voice rang in her ears, he had his camera off, "Hey Finn how are you?" he asked softly, she hadn't been joking about the social anxiety and he knew it. "I'm surviving there aren't as many people in my carriage now as there were on the way there", he hummed in acknowledgment, "how are you?" she asked.

"Good, I'm good, how far from the station do you reckon you are?" Tommy cut himself off and it was now that Finnley heard that he was walking somewhere, "I don't know, maybe five minutes, where are you going?". Tommy laughed "I'm coming to pick you up, I'm three minutes away from the station".

Finnley sat up slightly and Tommy chuckled, "why are you so alert all of a sudden", "prick, turn your camera on", soon enough, Finnley was staring at a smiling Tommy. Caught off guard, Finnley angled her camera away from her face harshly, she was grinning like a child, he was so... pretty. "Aww come on Finn, come back".

Slowly the girl brought the camera back to her face, Tommy was now sitting on a bench and Finn could identify that he was at the station already. The pair spent the next few minutes discussing what they had done today before Finnley's train began to pull up.

She kept Tommy on the line as she stepped off the train, trying to avoid everyone else who was getting on and off the train. "Tom where are you?" she whispered slightly, not enjoying being pushed and shoved about. She looked down at her phone to see that he had hung up on her. "That bi-" she muttered before someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her into their arms.

"Hello love", she released her breath and wrapped her arms around Tommy's frame, "hi". "Did you miss me?" she asked teasingly as they pulled apart and Tommy scoffed, "pfft never", "mhm, sure". She grinned at him as they made their way out onto the street.

There were still quite a few people around, Finnley moving closer to Tommy which he noticed. Slyly he slipped his hand into hers, "so you don't get lost you midget", Finnley felt her face heat up slightly but said nothing. Her brain may or may not have been short-circuiting.

"That reminds me, I have a question for you," Tommy said as they separated from the main crowd and walked towards their apartment building, which admittedly wasn't too far from the station which was handy. Finnley hummed in response, "shoot".

Tommy was silent for a moment, trying to figure out how to phrase what he wanted to say, Finnley looked up at his face in his silence and grinned, "I can see the cogs turning up there", Tommy scoffed, "I don't know how to say it in a not blunt way", "say it in a blunt way then".

He nodded to himself, "alright then". "Finnley, would you like to go on a date with me?", Finnley nodded almost immediately, both of them walking in silence for a moment before it clicked in both of their heads.

"Wait what did you ask-", "was that a yes-", they both stopped and look at each other with wide eyes trying to hide their individual grins. "I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me," Tommy said hesitantly, "as more than friends" he added on quietly just in case.

Finnley grinned and tightened her grip on his hand slightly, "that would be very nice" she whispered as they continued walking home. Both in a bit of a daze. "Wait does that mean that you like me to?" Finnley said her eyebrows together in confusion.

Tommy just laughed and squeezed her hand, "mhm". "Cool," she muttered as they entered their apartment building and entered the elevator. "This Sunday, 3 o'clock, I have a plan, it'll be super chill nothing fancy", Finnley nodded in response, "I can't wait Tom".

*note*The one time I write a chapter that is kind of important, it doesn't reach 1000 words! But my filler chapters have no problem being way longer than necessary! What the actual hell

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The one time I write a chapter that is kind of important, it doesn't reach 1000 words! But my filler chapters have no problem being way longer than necessary! What the actual hell...

[✓] Finnley Reed - Neighbour (TommyInnit)Where stories live. Discover now