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June 24th 2024 (Monday)

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June 24th 2024 (Monday)

Tommy was knocking loudly on Finnley's door as soon as his phone told him it was 10:00. This time Finnley didn't open it before he could touch it but instead yelled, "COMING", and he laughed as he heard her run to the door and pull it open. And there she was, beaming up at him, he laughed and extended his hand to her, "good morning, you're in a good mood", she laced her fingers with his and nodded, "I love aquariums". "Well aren't I just the best at coming up with dates!", Finnley nodded in agreement as she locked her door and they made their way hand in hand towards the elevator once more.


Once they were inside the aquarium, Tommy decided that he should let Finnley know about an idea that he was planning, and he really hoped that she would agree so his plan would go smoothly. "Finnley I was thinking that maybe we could do a mini vlog kinda thing, hear me out okay", Finnley nodded, not really seeing any problem with the idea. "So it's like a vlog but we only record little clips of puns and jokes, regarding the fish and such".

Finnley's eyes widened, "that sounds like a fin-tastic idea!", Tommy looked blankly at her and she grinned at him. "That was perfect, okay, but only if we think of a pun, otherwise let's just enjoy our date hmm?", Finnley nodded, "of course, can't wait!".


[Enter montage, think of it in the context of a video?]

The two were standing in front of a tiny tank, filled with dainty blue and red betta fish. Tommy holding his phone up high, showing the pair standing facing one another, not looking at the camera. "You betta like my puns." Finnley scoffed before retaliating, "if you think of a betta pun, be sure to let me know". Tommy tried to keep a straight face failing miserably.

Tommy was holding the camera, having it pointed at Finnley who was standing in front of a tank of tuna, her hands clasped in front of her. She grinned "you can tuna a guitar, but you can't tuna fish", she quickly ran towards a tank full of bass, Tommy following her where she looked back at the camera, "unless of course, you play bass..." Tommy's booming laughter was heard in the background as Finnley smiled at the camera.

The pair were in front of a tank of cod, Tommy had set his phone up on a ledge, facing the two. "Look, Tommy, it's the Minecraft fish!" Finnley said pointing at the brown fish swimming behind them, "cod I borrow you for a minute" Tommy looked at the camera before grabbing a laughing Finnley by the waist and pulling her out of frame. Giving Finnley a peck on her forehead, shutting her up quickly. Not that the camera could tell what had shut her up. "Oh, my cod!".

The pair were now standing in front of a tank that displayed a school of fish, the fish swimming after each other, their scales shimmering in the artificial light. Tommy had yet again set up his phone on a ledge and had it facing the two. Finnley pointed aggressively at Tommy, "be prepared to get schooled!", Tommy held a straight face and threw his hands up in the air, "you've gotta be squidding me!", Finnley quickly ran to get his phone and displayed a tank of squid which Tommy was now standing next to.

[✓] Finnley Reed - Neighbour (TommyInnit)Where stories live. Discover now