Chapter 17: Roman Vacation

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Harry and Draco didn't use magical transportation to reach Rome. They used a Muggle aeroplane, to Harry's surprise. Draco told him to leave all the organising to him, so when he was presented with an aeroplane ticket, and asked if he had a passport, he was gobsmacked. Luckily, he did own a passport.

The next day Draco moved through Heathrow with ease, guiding them straight to the check-in. Once inside the duty-free area, they still had an hour before their flight. They checked out the many stores, and ate some Muggle food at Gordon Ramsay Plane Food. Harry had no idea that they served such food at airports. He always supposed it was more McDonalds than fine dining, even though they were only eating breakfast. Harry had a bracing glass of whisky there, in spite of the early hour. He had never flown on a plane before, and he needed the Dutch courage.

"Draco, how come you know your way around the airport so well?" he asked, as they waited for their call to board.

"We always used Muggle transportation to go abroad. Father never liked having his movements monitored."

"Oh." Lucius Malfoy strapped into a seat on a Muggle aeroplane. He just couldn't imagine it.

Harry was amazed at just how naturally Draco fit in. While other wizards often wore ridiculous clothes in the Muggle world, Draco had on a pair of simple dark blue jeans with a white T-shirt and a leather jacket. Harry found it very hard not to stare at Draco's behind in those sinfully tight trousers. Why he insisted on wearing something tight all the time was beyond Harry. Though the smirk on Draco's face probably indicated that he just loved to play with Harry, and show off his assets.

After breakfast, they had a look at the shops. Harry spied some digital cameras, and wished he could get one.

"I suppose electricity doesn't work at Malfoy Manor either," he wondered out loud.

"No, but there are charms that can substitute electricity."

"Really? I never heard of them." Harry was baffled.

"They are fairly new inventions. I just read about them in a magazine. A Muggle-born is behind them. Very clever."

"I'm glad you can admit it."

"Harry, you know that even my father got passed his prejudices. We learned to give credit where credit is due."

"You're right." Harry blushed. Sometimes he still found it hard to remember that things had changed since school. "Sorry," he added.

Draco just nodded, and picked up the most expensive camera on display.

"I've wanted one of these for a while," he remarked, and headed towards the accessories section. In the end they left with a lot of gadgets, as they needed a computer and a couple of other things as well. Harry had no idea how to work a computer, as he was never let near Dudley's, and after he left Hogwarts he never needed one. Draco was confident, that they would figure it out, and if not, they would just find someone to teach them.

They boarded the flight ahead of a long queue. The other passengers grumbled a bit, but they had first class tickets. Harry sat down in the very comfortable seat next to Draco, and accepted the complementary Champagne. He just hoped that the combination of whiskey and Champagne wouldn't make him sick. They were instructed to fasten their seatbelts, and then the emergency guidelines were shown. As the plane smoothly started to move, Harry could feel the drunken butterflies in his stomach sloshing about in the alcohol. He sincerely hoped he wouldn't vomit. The plane taxied to the end of the long runway, and paused. Harry felt a hand on his, and turned from the window to see Draco smiling at him. Harry held the hand tighter.

The engines blared, and the plane suddenly seemed to put on full speed. Harry was pushed against his seat. Unable to swallow, he couldn't force his rapidly beating heart still. Then he felt the plane leave the ground, and his stomach seemed to be pulled back down by gravity. His ears clogged. Harry couldn't understand why anyone would put their body through the sensations voluntarily. He also briefly wondered, if besides flying on a broom, there was a mode of transport that he actually liked, and he came up with nothing. They were still rising, and he tore his gaze away from the fact that everything before them was higher up on the plane. He looked outside.

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