Chapter 14: Taking a Trip

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The ballroom in Malfoy Manor was full of Dark Wizards. It wasn’t anything new to the residents of the house, but Harry felt rather uncomfortable in his dark green robes. He felt like the lone Gryffindor in a sea of Slytherins. They were all celebrating the passing of the bill. It had been a long time since they managed to make a law. Many went to chat with Harry and congratulate him. He blushed under the attention and ran a shaky hand through his hair. To gain some courage and not look like the complete novice that he was, he often grabbed a glass of champagne from the passing trays. The waiters were surprisingly human, surprisingly enough, something he wondered about.

“Having fun, Harry?” Hermione stepped next to him. He jumped at the sound of her voice so near her.

“Yes. You know how much I love large parties,” Harry said sarcastically.

The witch just smiled at him and took another sip from her flute. Harry drained his and exchanged the empty glass for a full one.

“Human waiters,” he remarked.

“Yes. It would be highly inconvenient to take glasses from trays that are scurrying about your ankles.”

Harry was startled at her remark. He would have expected her to say something along the lines of how the house-elves could take a break.

Hermione noticed his expression and smirked.

“I’m learning. These past months I have had the opportunity to see the world through their eyes.” She motioned to the crowd around them. “They look after themselves and their families first. It’s different, but I realised that while most of them are Slytherins, they are not bad people. Unlike their reputation.”

“I realised that too. Did you talk to your solicitor?”

“Yes. He’s conversing with Draco now. He is going to start working based on the new law tomorrow. Now we can proceed to the divorce court. He’s very hopeful that I’ll get Rose and Hugo and even some money. Lucius said that I can bring them here and live in the Manor until I get myself sorted.” Hermione sighed.

“It’s not going to be easy to start all over again.”

“No. I’m going to train to become a healer,” Hermione said with a smile. “It’ll take some time and I’ll have to rely on the Malfoys for a bit longer, but they make me feel at home. At first I thought I was imposing, but they seem to enjoy having more people in the house.”

“It is a large place,” Harry admitted.

“There used to be a lot more Malfoys. They have a tapestry room just like the Blacks but in a better condition. I studied it a bit and had Lucius tell me about the family history. He doesn’t have a lot to do, so we talk sometimes. It’s strange how many mutual interests we have.” Her voice trailed off and Harry wondered about how strange that statement would have sounded a year before. “He’s great at story-telling. He explained that there were times when 20 or even more people would live in the Manor. I think he sometimes wishes the family were that big again.”

“He’s getting his wish.” Harry downed another glass.

“Aren’t you having a bit too much?”

“I’m fine. The kids are sleeping here anyways … way. I’d better sit down a bit.” Harry swayed towards an exit.

“Do you need help, Harry?”

“No, I’ll be fine.”

He cast a couple of strong Warming Charms on himself and went outside in his robes as he was. He thought that perhaps a bit of fresh air would help clear his head of the alcohol. He had drunk a bit too much champagne.

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