Chapter 10: Aftermath

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Harry woke to the sound of someone banging on his bedroom door. He got up quickly and ran to it. Luckily, Ginny was always a heavy sleeper and didn’t rouse to the noise, but Harry didn’t want to take his chances. He swung the door open and Ron almost crashed into him.

“Ron, what on earth are you doing?” he asked in a whisper. “We were sleeping. Go down to the sitting room and I’ll put on a dressing gown.”

The redhead just stared at him, and then turned to walk towards the stairs, grumbling under his breath the entire way.

Harry did as promised and in a few moments joined the other man on his couch.

“Really, Ron, what were you thinking?” He no longer whispered, but still didn’t shout like he wanted to.

“Harry, I couldn’t sleep! That Bitch! With Malfoy of all blokes! She’s probably shagging both of them!” He sprang up to pace around; he could never stay sit while ranting.

“Ron, it’s none of your business anymore,” he tried to placate his former best friend. “She left. You’re getting a divorce. Go home and sleep off the alcohol.” Harry could smell the cheap firewhisky from where he was sitting.

“No, Harry! Don’t you try to send me home! That bitch is still wearing my name and as long as she does, whatever she is up to reflects on me.”

“But what can you do about it?”

“I can do something! I’m going to go and speed up the divorce process.” There was conviction in his voice in spite of all the alcohol. “I can do it. I just haven’t because I hoped I could get her back. Well, not anymore!”

Harry winced. They still needed time to get him into the Wizengamot and change the law. However, it seemed like the divorce could be finalised soon, and once it was, it was doubtful that Hermione could get her children back. He was furiously trying to think of a way to stop Ron, but he was still half asleep and came up blank. He had to contact Draco and Hermione. Since he couldn’t think of a way to stall him, Harry decided to support Ron.

“You’re right, Ron. However, you need to calm down first. It wouldn’t look good if you showed up in front of a person of importance not having slept and in the same robes you had on for the Ball,” Harry tried to reason with the man. He really was still in his costume and he had obviously spent the night drinking.

“Fine, Harry. Have it your way. I’m going home. Tomorrow, I’m speeding things up,” Ron swore.

As the fire in the fireplace changed back to its normal colour, Harry sighed in relief. He quickly penned a letter to Hermione and Draco, and then sent it through the Floo. After that, he climbed back up to his bedroom, hoping to get a few more hours of sleep.

Harry didn’t get as much shut-eye as he had hoped; however, because he was woken again rather rudely a few hours later. It was another Weasley, though this one happened to be his wife. She was shaking him and calling out his name. He groaned and mumbled something unintelligent that he wanted to mean ‘go away’, but he was unsuccessful as Ginny was relentless.

“Fine, fine, I’m up,” he managed to get out.

“Harry, you have to see this,” she urged.

“Can’t it wait ‘til tea?” He tried to stall as he was really not in the mood to try to deal with more problems.

“No, Harry. Get up, it’s noon already.” She continued to shake him.

Harry knew his wife enough to determine that she would not give up. With a sigh, he sat up and looked at her with an annoyed expression.

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