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Name: Cadet 0706 "Jia"

Date of Birth: 26 BBY

Age (appearance)

- Clone Wars: 12

- Bad Batch: 15-20s

- Rebels: 29-30

Gender: female

Species: human (clone)

Home planet: Kamino

Sexuality: straight


- Clone Wars:

- Clone Wars:

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- Bad Batch:

- Bad Batch:

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- Rebels:

Voiceclaim: Michelle Ang

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Voiceclaim: Michelle Ang

- Rebels: Keisha Castle-Hughes

Occupation: Clone cadet, later a rebel captain


- same blaster as the one Sabine carries

- A blaster pistol that looks like the type Rex would carry.

Backstory: Jia had enough problems to be considered a mutated clone. She was female, unlike all her brothers. Her control chip was missing Order 33, 66, and 65. Despite this, she became a cadet and was a member of the Youth Brigade. Jia would occasionally hang out with Omega, another female clone, in Tipoca City, and the main headquarters of the clone troopers. Her dream was to become an ARC trooper.

She first met the padawan Eli Henderson on the Endurance, while she was out in the hallways after target practice. He asked her what she was doing out there, and she said she was getting some air. The two chatted for a while until a clone told Eli that he was needed at the command center. As the two said their goodbyes, there was an explosion nearby.

Eli ran to the site, with Jia at his heels. They found Mace Windu and a dead clone there. Jia wondered how that happened, and then noticed traces of a bomb. The explosion was deliberate.

Not long after, the reactor core was sabotaged by Boba Fett, causing a chain reaction of events that led to the evacuation of the Endurance. Jia and the cadets escaped in an escape pod, but were discovered by the crew of Slave 1. Aurra Sing then launched them into space, where they were found by the jedi and rescued.

At some point before the end of the war, Jia left the Youth Brigade for unknown reasons. During the early age of the Empire she was taken in by Rex, who was in hiding after faking his death during Order 66. Despite her chip missing order 66, Rex took her to get it removed nevertheless. The 2 eventually ran into the Bad Batch, where Jia reunited with Omega. Rex and Jia helped remove the chips of Wrecker (with difficulty), Tech, and the rest of Clone Force 99.

Years later, Jia was living with retired clones Rex, Wolffe, Dean, and Gregor in a modified AT-TE on the planet Seelos. There she met the ghost crew who wanted base information. Among them she saw Eli, and unsuccessfully tried to ignore him, in case she got feelings for him (which she did for a while during her time in the Youth Brigade.)

Jia would join the rebellion soon after the clones helped the ghost crew escape from Kallus' forces, and even joined them. During this time, she and Eli got closer together, and eventually would, against their better judgement, fall in love. Though both tried to hide it, it was pretty obvious to all.

So it's no surprise that Jia was deeply affected by the incident at the fuel depot on Lothal, after losing Eli. For a while, she was despondent, reclusive, moody, and unsure what to do. She kept telling herself that it was all just a dream, that she would wake up to see Eli alive and well, although she knew otherwise. Eventually Jia would get over the loss and continue her fight against the Empire, even fighting in the Battle of Endor.



- "Omega? She's with you?" (Upon meeting the Bad Batch)

- "I'm not little, Rex. I'm older than you take me for, and I'd like it if you'd actually treat me like my age for once."

- "Fine, I'll tell you what- I... I like you, ok? And I know it won't work out with... you know. *pause* It's not like you'll like me back anyway, so-" (responding to "It's ok. You can tell me. I won't say anything.")

Theme Song:

- So am I by Ava Max

- Salute by Little Mix

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