Short Story: Crash landing on Earth

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OCs featured: Kendall Chance, Delara Ivel

22-20 BBY, Space

Plotline: Kendall Chance and Depa Billaba have engaged the Separatists in the Outer Rim and take heavy losses. Both their flagships are severely damaged and the Republic forces are forced to abandon ship. However, the escape pods Kendall and Depa are in drift off to a planet that only one of the two is familiar with...

"Incoming!" A clone aboard the venator class star destroyer Destiny shouted as it took a hit from the Separatist fleet.

"Damage report!" Admiral Ivel hissed, striding over to the computer system on the bridge.

"Admiral, the hull's taken a critical hit," another clone reported. Ivel sighed, rubbing her forehead.

Kendall walked over. "How bad is it?"

"Very bad," Ivel replied as she looked at the system. "Bad enough to crash land," she added as the hyperdrive took a bad hit from a cannon. "Or abandon ship."

The ship shook as the hull and engines took more cannonfire. Kendall gripped onto the holotable so tightly that her nails left small dents in the metal. She then managed to contact her comrade in battle, Master Depa Billaba.

"Master Billaba, how are things on your end?" She asked.

The holographic Depa sighed softly. "Not very well, I'm afraid. You?"

"The Destiny has taken some critical hits. I'm afraid Grievous is getting the upper hand," Kendall said. "We might have to abandon ship."

"My forces are already doing so," Depa said. "I suggest you do so as well, and then we can regroup and perhaps get reinforcements."

The holomessage shut off, leaving Kendall to order her men to the escape pods. She clambered into hers with Ivel and Commander Kal.

A shot from the Malevolence sent Kendall's pod along with another veering off course towards a nearby system. She and the others braced themselves for impact as the velocity reached well above 5000 m/s. Planets and moons whizzed by as the pods ran their course straight into a terrestrial planet in between a red one and a white one...

And landed in the middle of a street. With wheeled cars. Cars that veered sideways as the huge astrological objects crashed right in front of them.

Kendall was quick to climb out as soon as her pod stopped skidding. "Why are we in... Oakland...?"

Not just anywhere in Oakland, CA. But in the very suburbs that Kendall lived with her younger siblings and estranged parents. And what's more, they had landed in her very neighborhood!

Depa climbed out of hers, as did her clone commander, Grey. "This is a strange planet."

"It's my home planet," Kendall said. "Earth."

"Earth..." Depa mused. "And I assume you know the way around here?"

"Of course!" Kendall nodded. "We can start with a change of clothes. People here aren't really... used to seeing Jedi. When they see one they'll either make fun of you or fan girl over you."


"Slang for... just swarming over you and... adoring... you know what, I'm not even gonna explain."

Depa nodded slowly.  "I see."

"There should be a Target store near here," Kendall said softly. "Or... y'know what? You look around my size. I could lend you some of mine."

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