Chapter 16. Avoiding Him Part II

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Here we go~

Chapter 16. Avoiding Him Part II

"I should have known that you're just like some boys. I should have known that I can't fall into your games. But I'm too blind to see who you really are. I was too starstruck with your act to see that cocky ignorant person behind it. But no, I'm not gonna trust you anymore. I have enough to easily trust people around me. They're just gonna leave me as fast as I trust them. I've had enough."


"Of course there is! You could just tell him how you feel about him! Not just sitting here seeing that disgusting bitch taking your man away step by step." She tried hard to whisper softly. I could see that she doesn't like Stephanie at all.

I just nodded. Then I heard she gasped in shocked to the sight of him and her. And the worst thing that I didn't want to happen, is happening.


Everything was going in a slow motion. I looked at the same direction as Tasha's. I turn my head to the corner of our seat, hoping that it would not be as bad as I think. Then everything around me just disappeared. Like no one near me is watching the same painful heartbreaking view as what I see here. It's like there are just us. Him, her together, then me, alone.

I saw it. I watched it. I saw how she moved her hand slowly from his chest to the back of his neck. How she pulled him closer teasingly. And I saw how she brushed her lips against his forcefully. But he was frozen. he keep his hands on the table, supporting his weight. I can't see his expression. I even noticed that she give me a satisfaction smirk while she was kissing him. He doesn't know it, cause his back was facing me.

I looked down. Hurt. Then I tried to think in a positive way like Tasha suggested to me. Maybe she's just trying to make me jealous. At least he didn't kiss her back. At least he seemed didn't enjoy it. When I'm just about to leave that view, something was caught by the corner of my eye. I saw him. Kissing her back. I saw those hands who were just on the table now moving to her waist, gripping her closer to him. Then he moved his lips in sync with hers. He's kissing her like the way he was kissing me at the hill. The passion. The rush. The feeling. They're all there.

I don't know what happened to me. I was frozen. Shocked. Paralyzed. Heartbroken. Too afraid to move. I don't know how I can't move even a bit. I want to turn my back and hide away. I want to erase those disgusted view off my head. I want it so bad to be able to close my eyes. I was falling to pieces.. My heart was broken like there will be no cure to frame it up again. It was all silent. I just can hear the sound of their lip-locking. That sound enters my ears, getting louder and louder each time. I'm all alone. Hearing that heart-wreaking sounds from them.

Maybe this is hell. Or maybe it's way worse than hell. After the hurtful minutes of my life, she pulled away and again, sent me that devilish smirk. I feel anger built inside me. I feel the adrenaline to come there and slapped that smile away from her. My breathe hitched. My hands were shaking. My heart's beating so fast. I tried to control it so hard. No. I'm not gonna come there and give her what she wants me to do. I feel my vision got blurry. I tried so hard to hold them back until I couldn't take it anymore. I stormed off the cafeteria and went to the place where I've always spending my tears at, the toilet. I locked the door and pull out my razor.

I shouldn't have trust him. I shouldn't have let him in. Why am I so stupid? I must be dreaming to think that he was actually different than others. He just played me. He plays girl's heart. I should have known. Now I'm left with nothing but regret. And he just happily walked on me. Next time Stacy, if there will be next time, don't let anyboys in. They were all just the same. They just act like They were not until they get what they want. And Tadaa! They will leave you as fast as you fall into their games. And at the end you will just end up being hurt and regret, again.

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