Chapter. 10 Day 3

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Chapter. 10 Day 3

"What happened to me? Why do I feel like this? My heart and brain are fighting. I'm so confused."


Stacy's Point of View

I woke up to hear birds chirping. The light came in through the gaps between the curtains. I feel something breathing near my hands. And I found my hand were being held. By HIM.

What happened last night? Why did he stay here?

I sat up on my bed. I'm getting better but still feeling weak. Then he moved a bit. Then finally he's awake.

"Why are you still here?" I asked when he's finally wide awake.

"Well, you asked me to stay, so here I am." he replied easily with his raspy morning voice. Damn. That voice's just-

"What? How? You must be kidding me." I cut off my own mind. Unbelievable! What the hell had happened last night?

"That's the truth babe." He winked. Here comes the cockiness..

"Don't babe me." I murmured then walking up to downstair. But when I just took my first step, I lost my balanced and almost fell. With a blink of eye I felt a pair of hands wrapped around me. And it's him. And the weirdest feeling happened in my life. I feel an electricity pulse through my spine. My heart just stopped beating for a moment. Warms radiating through my cold skin. Somehow I feel strangely comfortable with it. I can feel his eyes staring at me.

We just stayed there for a minute. His hands around me while I'm looking down , didn't brave enough to look at him.. He just stared at me. I can feel his gaze on me.

He clear his throat. "Ummm.. I think you need to eat." Am I hearing him nervous?

I just went downstair and take a bowl of some cereal with a glass of milk.

"You want some?" I asked, didn't want to be rude. Not after what he did to me last night.

"Yeah." He said.

So I took some and give it to him.

We ate in silence. An awkward silence.

How can I tell him to stay? What's wrong with me? Why does he care?

I honestly don't have any idea of what I'm feeling right now. A side of me is undeniablely happy cause finally there's someone cares about me. But another side of me can't help but thinking, does he really care? Or it's just some sweet dream then I'll wake up and realize that he just stay for a while? That its just some stupid fairytale and it will end up with me getting hurt?

"Ehmm. We better get ready to school." His voice broke the silence. He stood and brought the dishes to the sink.

I quietly went upstairs to get ready for school. I took a shower then slipping in my usually clothes. And I just realized that it was rain outside. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. He already sat there, probably waiting for me.

When he saw me, automatically he opened my door house and trailing behind me. Then he opened his door car and closed it when I was already in.

The ride was full of silence. Awkward silence. I just sat there and looking out through the window. I can't help but wondering, is this right? Is this right for me to believe in him? Is this the right time to open up? Deep inside my heart, I started to think that maybe, just maybe, he actually cares about me. I saw his eyes. Its full of concerness. But I still don't know what to do with him. I'm scared that someday he'll turn up into others. Others that didn't care and stuck up with their popularities.

"We arrived." His voice cut me off from my own mind.

I unbuckeld the seatbelt and got out from the car with him beside me. And as usual, eyes on me. Giving death stares and nasty looks. And somehow, his hand found mine and he held me there.

For a moment I froze. I can't think. Sparks flew everywhere. I flinched a bit and he seemed like to aware of it. But he didn't even bother to take his hands off mine. And strangely, I didn't make an effort to do so.

So we walked. Hand in hand. My hands going numb but he held me there. My hands not moving. Like it stucks there. He walked me to my first class, Math.

"Uhhm.. Thanks." I said kinda nervous.

"For what?"

"For the ride and for yesterday." I replied politely.

"Ooh it's okay I guess. Uhmm. See you soon" he said with a genuine smile and left.

He surely has a great smile. I smiled to myself.

Wait what? What am I thinking?!!

For the rest of the periods it was a blur. My mind obviously about him. His eyes, his smile, his figure, his strong arms,, his handsome face.

I absolutely lost my mind now.

Stace, what are you thinking? It's just been 3 days and you already daydreaming about him? What happened to you? Where's the old Stacy? Why are you so easy on him? He gave you a week. And now you already fall in his game within 3 days.

My brain and my heart seemed to have a different direction. My brain told me to not give in to him after just 3 days. But I can't help but feeling comfortable around him. It's been a while since I'm feeling like this. Like home.

"Ms.Evans, do you even paying attention?" the teacher asked me.

"Uh oh yeah sir." I said, going back to reality.

At lunch time, the stares are getting worst than ever. It seems like everyones staring at me. And it's not watchout-stares but iwillkillyou-stares. But I tried so hard to shrugged it off. I put my head down while bringing my lunch to the table. And it makes worse when HE decided to take a seat next to me.

"Hey." He greeted me with a smile.

"Hey." I said in an attitude.

"Wow. What happened?" He replied, knowing my sudden tone.

"Can't you just stay away for me? At least just for some hours?" I gritted my teeth.

"Why do you need to stay away from me?" He's confused.

"Didn't you know what everyone does? Or you're too dumb to realize it." I asked rudely. But I kept my voice low. I didn't want them giving me more "meaning stares".

He looked around. And just realized that everyone's looking at us now. Well, it's true. Worse.

"I'm sorry. I just. I just didn't want to make my high school time getting worse. I just can't handle the drama anymore. And distance will make it a bit calm down." I confusely said. And I have no idea what I'm sorry about.

"O-okay I guess." He replied. For a second I could see pain and hurt flashed in his eyes.

I just nodded and continue eating.

"I uh. See you around." He left me. Alone.

I sighed. Now I felt bad to him. But at least one thing will be good. Everyone maybe will stop their eyes from looking at me.

Distance. It felt so GOOD.

Steven's Point of View

I guess its gonna be harder than I thought. Maybe I'm just gonna stay away for her a lil bit. Maybe she needs distance.

But I found it hard to not look and get near her. I find it comfortable to be around her.

Oh come on Steven. Just some hours! You'll live with it.

Distance surely is much BETTER than I thought.

Note : Sorry guys its not long. But I promise the next chapter will be great and longer! :) xx

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