Chapter 19. Homesick and Memories

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Chapter 19. Homesick and Memories

"I miss my hometown. I miss my grandma. I miss my parents. I miss everyone back home. I miss the times we're spending together. I miss our joking at the dinner table. Unfortunately I miss my ex-bestfriend too. I miss the time we're spending together. I miss our memories. But no, I can't go there. It's not that easy. There is this memory, the darkest memory that I really want to be forgotten. And If I go back there, I'm afraid I can't forget it, ever."

The next morning I woke up with that same smile still plastered on my face. Like other days, I prepared myself before going to school. With the same routine and the usual clothes, some jeans and baggy clothes. After that I got downstairs and opened the front door to meet the one and only him, standing in front of my house, with some t-shirt, jeans and leather jacket on.

"Good morning." He spoke happily with that stupid grin on his face.

I couldn't help but smiled back, a real smile. "Morning."

We stood there awkwardly. Somehow I felt nervous. My palms start sweating. My heart beats so fast until I can guarantee you that he might heard it.

And him, he was just standing there with unreadable expression on his face.

"Ugh.. I guessed we better go to school now, we don't wanna be late,right." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Right." I replied nonchalantly.

And after that we got in the car and went to school.

The ride to school was tense and awkward. We didn't talk at all. I thought we'll be in so much better situation after I gave him that chance last night. But I was wrong. Right now, by knowing that he might actually like me, it makes me nervous and lost. I don't know what to say. I've never felt like this before. Not even with "him", the one and only ex-boyfriend that I ever had. I'm still afraid of being hurt and disapointed.


"So what's happening between you two?" That same cheery and bubbly Tasha asked me while eating her lunch beside me.

I sighed in frustration. "I seriously didn't know."

She seemed confused, "How come you didn't know?"

"It's just, he came to my house last night and we went to some park-"

"What? He came to your house?! What kind of park?! Tell me the details!" She suddenly outburst with excitement.

"Ssssshh!!" I told her to make her voice lower.

She nodded in agreement. "Girl, you better told me all of the details!" He threatened me with that strong curiosity in her eyes.

"I mean, he just went to my house and throw some pebbles to my window. Then he asked me to come with him. And after that we're in some park with candles around a bench, and we sat on it." I explained a bit, flashing the memory of last night over and over again on my head.

"And?" She asked me again, indicating me to explain more.

"And he sang a song to me. And he said that he might like me and he wants me to give him a chance." I tried my hardest to hold that wide smile from showing on my face.

"Awww! He's so sweet!" She squealed happily then jumped unexpectedly in front of me.

I just pull her down and shut her mouth with my hand.

That was the most embarrassing moment that I've ever had!

Please, please. I hope he didn't hear it!

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