Chapter 14 Day 7

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Chapter 14. Day 7

"I'm afraid of what the future will bring me. But I can't help but feeling happy when he was there for me. And that kiss, is just magical."

Next day


I woke up to a sunny Sunday. The sky was so clear and blue. The sun was shining so bright. I could tell you today will be a good day. I mean "good" in weather. I hope my day would be great as great as the weather today.

I took a shower and get dressed. As usual my house is so empty and silent. You can hear the birds chirping clearly. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. unfortunately I have school until 12 pm today. Then I have the rest of the day by myself, alone in this house as always. Yeah i know, it sucks. What school makes their student come to school on Sunday? Because we're in senior year, we must go to school once in two weeks.

I got in my shoes and opened the front door. There he stood. With leather black jacket with a plain t-shirt inside and denim jeans.

"Why are you here?" I asked in confusion.

He chuckled. "I'm here to pick you up." Well, I'm impressed that he's going to school today. I mean there's not many students that want to go to school on Sunday, especially some students like him, I mean the "popular ones". Although Mr. Smith already makes some sort of punishments for the one who didn't attend school on Sunday. I know, my school sucks.

Where were you yesterday? I thought to myself.

Then he said, "I needed to sort something out yesterday. So I didn't go to school."

I guess I thought too loud.

"Come on, you don't wanna be late, don't you?" He said while going to his car.

I just followed him behind and got in the car.

"You don't have to pick me up you know. I can walk by myself." I muttered.

"Well it's too bad I don't want you to walk by yourself alone." He replied with that stupid smirk on his face.

I just looked away. I don't want to deal with him right now. Not in this good day.

The rest of the ride was so awkward. We didn't talk at all. I guess I'm still confused about what had just happened two days ago. But he seemed like didn't care or bothered with it. He acted like nothing happened, when actually something had happened. I want to know why he did it, but I don't want to be the first who asked about it. So I just got along with him, acted like nothing happened until god knows when.

We arrived at school. There's not many students yet as usual. So I just got out from the car after mumbling a thank-you to him. I got in school and went to my locker. And I saw something that I should have known will happen. I saw Stephanie talking to Natasha. They seem to enjoy each other companies. So I just walked pass them and I swear I could see Stephanie sent me a devilish smirk on her face by the corner of my eye.

Well, seems like what I thought yesterday about that new girl is absolutely wrong. I know what will happen next. Stephanie and her dolls will convince her to sit with their groups. And baaamm, she will join their group in a matter of days.


I went to my first class, Chemistry. I got the front seat and took out some chemistry book and notes. Just then I heard the door opened and someone walked in. I was too busy with books and all so I didn't look who is it. Then I feel a presence next to me. And I just knew it was him.

"Hey. Why do you leave me? I thought we can walk together since we have the same class today." He complained while taking a seat next to me.

"I don't wanna make another drama." I mumbled straightly.

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