*I Found*

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As 17 year old Leila walked towards the room marked with a gold 18 on it she felt suffocated but would never dare say it out loud. Her grandfather would punish her and that was the last thing she wanted.

She counted the dreading steps as she got closer. She wished she could turn around. She wished she could run out of the club and escape her grandfather. But he would always find her. At least that's what he said.

She now stands outside the mahogany door mentally preparing herself for the ruthless fucking she is about to receive from a man who's nearly twice her age. They were never gentle with her despite her obviously being a young girl. All they cared about was their release. Every night she would go home in pain begging her grandfather to never make her do that again. But he never cared. Nobody ever cared.

The amount of times she's thought about ending it is countless. Her longing for escape was too much to bear. But she could never do it. She was still holding on to the hope that someone would save her from this nightmare.

But until then she would keep having to open door 18.


"It's been too long Arthur West," the man dressed in all black greeted Leila's grandfather. Leila rolled her eyes at the man's false friendliness. All he wanted was more money and everyone at the table knew it.

"And you Caleb," Arthur responded with much less chipper than the man, "Now what do you want?"

As the men began talking Leila drowned out their voices. She took a sip of her coffee and examined over the cafes interior. It was a small shop and Arthur's gang definitely stood out, but it was the only place the man dressed in black was willing to meet. It was reasonable. Public places means her grandfather can't kill him. But that didn't guarantee he wouldn't.

Leila's eyes shifted towards a man sitting in a corner of the cafe. Although it was the middle of the day, the shadows around the man made it seem like it was night. He glared at Leila with big brown eyes.

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