*Domino Effect*

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It was so loud. The sound of car engines filled the empty streets. The loud chatter of people way too intoxicated. The loud bumps of stereos placed all over the lot. It was too much for me to handle, yet I stayed. For him.

I wanted to support him so I came every Saturday to watch him race. I had to sneak out of the window to come. It's not like my parents would approve of their 16 year old son going to an illegal street race. I put my own safety at risk for a boy that doesn't even know I exist.

Every-time I would feel anxious about coming to this part of town. But it was all worth it seeing the smile on his face when he won the race. That was the best part. That's why I would come.

I heard the sound of speeding cars and cheers grow louder so I knew the cars were back insight. I craned my neck over the crowd to see his bright green Dodge Challenger zoom pass the finish line for what seemed like the hundredth time. The crowd erupted into cheers and so did I.

He stepped out of his car and I had to stop myself from letting out a whistle at just the sight of him. He is absolutely beautiful. He smiled brightly at the crowd around him absorbing all the energy they were giving out. His bright messy lime green hair that matched his car fell over his face perfectly. He's wearing black ripped jeans with a silk button up that wasn't buttoned showing off his chiseled abs. He is stunning.

I imagined myself running up to him and jumping in his arms as he spun me around in celebration. But then reality hit me like a fucking train. He doesn't even know who I am and probably never will. So I stayed back and watched the people surrounding him wishing it was me.

"He's hot isn't he," a girl with long curly hair appeared in front of me. Now I may be in love with a guy but I know a pretty girl when I see one. She's wearing a silky red mini dress with a pink tiger Gucci cardigan and white Jordan 1s. Her eyes were a light grey that contrasted her dark skin beautifully and her teeth were the whitest I've ever seen. I stared in awe of her: one her beauty was undeniable, two I had no idea why someone like her would be talking to me, "Domino, isn't he dreamy?"

I was so intimated by her presence all I could do was nod.

"I'm Taryn," she said taking a swig of the dark brown liquid in her cup.

"I'm Conan," I said looking down at my lap as I played with my fingers.

"That's such a cute name," she giggled, "Conan. I love it."

I smiled lightly at her as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Do you like him or something," she said resting her head in her hands looking at me with her big eyes. I felt my heartbeat begin to race as she looked at me. She must of noticed my panic and rested her hand on my shoulder, "Relax. You're not the only person here who likes him."

She tilted her head towards the crowd surrounding Domino and I realized she was right. Girls (and guys) were surrounding him trying to get his attention. I didn't bother to reply and looked back down at my lap embarrassed.

"A lot of people like Domino," she said looking in his direction, "they see him and just fall in love. It's the Domino Effect."

I still didn't bother to reply getting lost in my own thoughts. There were much prettier people than me surrounding Domino and he could easily fall for any of them. He was what every person wanted; he was the bad boy who never gave a fuck.

She looked back at me and smiled her pearly smile once more, "Well, I leave you to it Conan. Just remember, you'll never get the guy if you stay back here staring at him," she laughed standing up. I watched her down the last of her drink and throw it in the trash.

"See ya later Conan," she yelled walking away from my lonely table of one.

It felt like slow motion as she pushed through the group of people surrounding Domino and called out his name. The flashing lights shone through her hair, she looked radiant. He looked at her and the biggest smile appeared on his face once he laid eyes on the beautiful girl. He opened his arms and she ran jumping into them. He spun her around in a circle and kissed her like his life depended on it. The crowd erupted into cheers and wolf whistles, but this time I did not join them.

I felt betrayed by a girl I had just met. I felt betrayed that she gave me advice with Domino just to go and shove it in my face that she actually had him.

I quickly gathered my things and bee lined it to my car as I felt tears stream down my face.


The next week was rough. All I could think about was Taryn and Domino. Were they in a relationship? Why haven't I seen her before? Who was she to him? She was just the type of girl I feared. She was beautiful, confident, and had Domino's attention. I could never compete with her.

Saturday came like it did every weekend and I was once again surrounded by people on way too many drugs.

"Conan right," Taryn smiled walking up to my table wearing a tight white mini dress that hugged her curves in all the right places.

"H-hi," I smiled trying my hardest not to glare at her. She plopped down on the couch next to me with a smile.

"How you been?" She questioned watching people walk past us. I couldn't exactly tell her that I've been stressing over her for the past week so I told her I was fine, "that's good."

We seat in awkward silence.

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