Angels Fall

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God has always been cruel. Especially when it comes to love.

Lucifer loved power, so God punished him by throwing him out of heaven.

Eserine loved Lucifer, so God punished his daughter by giving her eternal suffering.


They were happy at first. Eserine missed her father of course, but being with her one true love gave her inner peace.

Lucifer made her feel whole,
made her feel like she was the only girl in the world. But Lucifer was a sinner. He couldn't resist the temptation of other women and the power that he felt from conquering them.

Eserine disregarded his unfaithfulness because she believed that he would always come back to her. After all, she threw away her entire life for him.

Hell was a dark place. It was cold and void of light. It was much like earth, but had much more suffering. Eserine thought of herself as Lucifer's equal, she believed that Lucifer would consider her opinions with as much vigor as she considered his.

She wanted the dead trees in the forest to live once again. She wanted to pitch black sky to hold stars. She wanted the damned souls to not suffer as much as they already had. She wanted hell to be much like heaven.

Lucifer hated that.

He was once grateful for her sacrifice. He loved the fact that she abandoned her life in heaven to be with him. He loved the fact that he had stolen God's only daughter from him. Lucifer knew he loved Eserine, but all her positivity about life was suffocating. So he found breathing room in other women. Women who practically worshiped him and his ideas.

Eserine hated that.

Each time she found him with other women she would cry and become angry at her lover. But each time he promised that he would be different and she believed him. She had to, she needed to. She needed to believe that she didn't give up her perfect life for nothing.

Lucifer became distant. He started to spend less and less time with his so-called one true love and started to spend his time the other women. He began to stop promising Eserine that he would change because he knew he wouldn't. He became indifferent to her tears that used to hurt him so much. He would tell her that she was being dramatic and pathetic whenever she began to cry. He stopped sleeping in the same room with her at night. He stopped caring for her as much as he used to. He was neglecting her but couldn't find the strength to care.

He couldn't see his lover die inside every time he walked past her without even a glance. He couldn't see how much she was regretting loving him in the first place until it was too late.

Eserine tried to leave. She begged her father to take her back. But each time she prayed, she received no answer. So late one night, she decided to take action into her own hands. She unfolded her beautiful white wings and began ascending towards the heavens. But Lucifer sensing her presence leaving his kingdom captured her and threw her back to the ground. The angel fell once again but this time she was thrown by the one she loved.

Lucifer was angry. Angry that she tried to leave him. He felt she was ungrateful after all he had given her. He brought his lover to the middle of the city. Citizens of hell gather around the two fallen angels and watched in shock as Lucifer announced that she had betrayed him. He picked the girl up by her throat and her wings once full of life, drooped down by her sides. Her once beautiful long curly hair, was matted and stuck to her face. Lucifer looked Eserine in her eyes with so much hate that even she couldn't recognize him. He slowly reached to her white wings and violently ripped them from her back causing her scream to echo throughout the city. Her sobs echoed as he threw her back to the ground and walked away from the girl he once loved.


Eserine now lays in the dungeons of hell barely clinging onto life. She has been there for at least two eons. Lucifer has not visited her once. Her father refuses to answer her prayers. So she now suffers alone for the rest of eternity. All for the sake of love.

What went wrong with the two fallen angels? Maybe it was the fact that one belongs in hell and the other belongs in heaven. Or maybe it was because Lucifer destroys everything good in his life. Whatever the answer is Eserine is paying the price for falling in love with the devil.

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